When Allah punishes, he punishes the whole community.
When Allah rewards, he rewards the whole community.
We see it as the only solution to all our problems and the vision of what our community.
We see it as the only solution to all our problems and the vision of what our community.
When they find it too hard to avoid it, the decide to stop prohibiting it. They change their deen.
They see their deen as a problem.
When we do something that’s wrong, we say it’s wrong.
We know it’s wrong and we don’t pretend that it’s right.
Christmas comes from a Materialistic European Polytheistic Pagan custom.
Your actions are your character
Your thoughts lead to body language, which lead to speech, which leads to acts, but all are counted as actions.
Words are powerful and have an effect.
Ghaflah: Decide to change, rather than be heedless of Allah
“And surely, We have created many of the Jinns and Mankind for Hell. They have hearts wherewith they understand not, they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the truth). They are like cattle, nay even more astray; those! They are the heedless ones.”
Quran – 7:179
- Thought composes of two things, what you have in you mind and what in your heart.
- Clean heart leads to clean thoughts.
- When the hearts are hard, they don’t realize that they have the Quran.
- Allah told the people of Musa AS to hold on to their book.
- Hold on to Islam with great strength and mention what is in Quran, so you may attain Taqwa.
- Desire to be like their friends and look cool.
- Firstly, we got everything we need.
- Heedlessness conquering, your desires.
- You cannot show off with your saum.
- They say “Learn Quran.” What’s the benefit ?
- If you are doing something different from others, your reward will also be different.
- Be different, make people extra happy.
Allah blessed me
- We have to remember that we are powerless in front of Allah, otherwise we will become unjust.
- They are always aware of their environment.
- Many things that can make us animal-like or angellic.
- Are you animal-like or angellic.
- Be Angellic. Allah has given you everything to become a beautiful tree.
- Look around. Everyone is heedless.
- Everyone is living in autopilot mode.
- Not looking at ingredients.
- No one is doing anything about the situation.
- Make our Prophet SAW proud. Listen, be aware.
- Remember your death.
You have to protect your heart from heedlessness
- Dhikr
- If you truly love Allah, you will make sure you obey Allah.
- Then you will be protected.
Known as the sharīʿah (literally, “path leading to the watering place”), the law represents a divinely ordained path of conduct that guides Muslims toward a practical expression of religious conviction in this world and the goal of divine favour in the world to come.
Make fearless, courageous, positive decisions, don’t react with fear.
Live for purpose, not whims
Spiritual Growth: Yaqaba (Awakening), Tafakkur (Thinking), Basheera (Clear understanding), Firm Will
Allah has more mercy on you, than you on yourself. Allah is more aware of your needs than yourself. That Allah’s ability to fulfill your needs is greater than yourself.
Small talk conversation, with this person. The world is often not what you think it is, it is what you have told yourself it is.
Don’t assume anything about yourself, people and the world. Listen to the world. It will tell you the truth.
What is your life’s purpose, your ultimate intention ?
Obeying Allah is the most positive act one could do.
Obedience is Dawah.
Trevor Noah
Small Talk for shared realities.
Big talk, big ideas, divides people.
It’s crucial, if you don’t know if you on the same tribe.
Lifelong commitment to a purpose.
You can coexist with people you disagree.
Your friends you trust, you can have healthy fights.
There’s certain things you have to accept. Your house, your car, your lifestyle, your friends, your neighbors.
Everyone has edges. every group has edges.
Too much choice is overwhelming. Add some constraints.
Choose between two choices instead of many choices.
Ethical Fading: We are able to rationalize unethical behavior. CONTIBUTORS: Peer pressure – Everyone’s doing it. It’s what my boss wants. I gotta put food on the table. It’s what I need to do. Slippery slope – He did it, why can’t I do it.
Good people are able to rationalize away behavior outside of our ethical framework.
Issues are real, politics is an imagined way to solve the issue.