1. Evolution of Warfare Three Waves of Warfare: The Tofflers describe warfare in three “waves”…
Category: Islam
Taking action according to the Quranic Logic & Aqeedah
There are 2 requirements to act independently: Will and capacity. Your focus is the will….
The Attributes of Allah and the Values of Islam
Definition of the Values in the Quran Masalahs must be compared to the Values Were…
2 Purpose
Intentions, Actions Cause and Effect DEFINITION OF A MUSLIM One that follows the Quran in…
Forming a United Ummah
Know the strengths and weaknesses of each group. Each organization is a part of…
Natural Foods vs Processed Foods
Natural Foods Natural foods are usually whole, unprocessed, and unrefined foods that are as close…
6 Political Decolonization: International Islamic Shura Council
O you who have believed, obey Allāh and obey the Messenger and those in authority…
8 Territorial Decolonization: Territorial Unification
ONE CHINA POLICY Reunification territorial integrity Taiwan Japanese to pledge loyalty to One China
3 Mutual Respect & Cooperation
The 72 sects Dissent from the main body, is inevitable Division and differences among this…
1 Islamic Jurisprudence Comparison
The concept of centrism is both generic and specific. The generic aspect is understood to…