The Anti-Theocracy World Order
- Political Warfare (Oligarchy)
- The world’s Justice Systems have been captured, tracked and weaponized.
- Our Political Systems have been captured, tracked and weaponized.
- Ruthless suppression through censorship, surveillance, punishment for dissent and assassination of opposition.
- Religion is being replaced with Materialism.
- Freedom is suppressed by employing terror tactics to suppress rebellion.
- We are being distracted with meaningless ‘progressive’ reforms and trivial pursuits.
- Economic Warfare (Debt Traps)
- The world reserve currency has been captured, tracked and weaponized.
- The world economic system has been captured, tracked and weaponized.
- Provokes wars, particularly targeting alliances between powerful nations, to weaken military and economic power worldwide.
- Monopolize resources, including land, labor, and capital, to gain control over economic systems and reduce the populace to dependency.
Political struggle: Form an Islamic Delegation [Ulema/Politicians]
The effort of Nabi Muhammed SAW to form an Islamic Bloc
For thirteen years when the Messenger of Allah (saw) was in Makkah, the struggle was only an intellectual one, and was not associated with any material struggle. It was the harshest and most ferocious of struggles. Eventually the Islamic thoughts vanquished the Kufr thoughts, and Allah (swt) made Islam triumphant. During the political struggle, the Prophet SAW approached the non-Muslim tribes coming to Makkah, to come to Islam and for social protection. Thereafter he formed an alliance between Al-Aws and Al-Khazraj, to form the Ansar (Helpers) of Medina.
The Islamic Power Bloc
- Economic Benefits
- An alliance would empower states to take unified action, without the risk of repercussions.
- Alliances can provide additional resources, strategic positions, and divide the attention of the opponent
- A Free trade agreement could boost the economies of member nations.
- Research and development of mutual economic capabilities.
- Research and development of mutual military capabilities.
- Research and development in creating a new gold-backed reserve currency.
- Reaching agreements with BRICS to work towards mutual currency independence.
- An alternative international financial system would neutralize Western sanctions.
- Security Benefits
- Willing to represent and defend the Muslims
- Working with the Axis of Resistance in order to offer support to Palestine.
- Research and development of biotechnology capabilities, in order to effectively deal with the next pandemic.
- Research and alignment of foreign policies.
- Lending support to Islamic governments and Muslim citizens which are being oppressed or attacked.
- Lending support to Islamic governments and Muslim citizens which are under the poverty line.
- Unified Action for Palestine
- Body of representation for Sunni Nations who support Palestine.
- Working with the Axis of Resistance in order to offer support to Palestine.
Justice is the bare minimum, which we are aiming for, FOR NOW.
Security before Khilafah
Security and the resulting sovereignty and self-determination is a necessary condition for the establishment of the Khilafah.
The Khilafah is a unified force and the West knows it.
Wars are not fought with duas and prayers and sentiments and feelings alone.
They are fought with weapons, with money, with intelligence, with logistics.
2 most powerful forces – identity and ideology
Ideology is more powerful than the love of a parent for a child. More powerful than reality and experience.
Justice & Peace allows for Dawah and Development.
The white man’s burden is to civilize others. If you don’t submit to this, We conquered them to force them to be civilized.
Acknowledge their superiority. Justification for colonialism
The social contract theory of John Locke says that all power is given to one power, in order to maintain peace and justice for all.
Basic services: Health, Transportation, Food, Education, Communication should be provided to people, so they can live a normal life.
No one country can deal with the problems of Syria. So we need to work together.
They are thieving, but our problem is that we are too generous towards them.
Prophet SAW said, “Najashi (the Christian King) is a just leader.”
- Right now we need just leaders. We need more Najashi’s, rather than Muslim Traitors.
Prophet SAW told Banu Shaybaan “Khilafah must be an independent, sovereign nation that can defend itself from all sides.”
- Sovereignty is a condition for Khilafah.
- You cannot become a moral power, without complete independence
- Is it halal to rule with kufr ? No, but without sovereignty, it is not Islam.
- People who declare complete Islamic Rule get smashed by America.
Stand up against all forms of oppression
- Resist any injustice, nepotism and authoritarianism.
- The resistance needs to continue everyday.
- You need to apply Islam every day.
- So you apply Islam within your government context and keep pushing until you are sovereign and independent.
Hold the government accountable
- The Accountability Council – to oversee and hold accountable the government, miliary and police force.
- Peace will give us some space to develop.
Development & Dawah
Nation Building
- Building infrastructure
- Growing the economy
- Energy independence
- Food independence
- Scientific advancement
- Getting people into positions of power
Ideas for a united ummah
- A economic pact, similar to BRICS – Islamic Dinar
- A security pact, similar to NATO
- Technology transfer
- Knowledge transfer
- The example of American Independence – 17 states united to kick the British out.
The ummah needs a new movement calling to Justice, Peace, Development & Dawah
The Prophetic Method – Seeking support & security on the basis of Tawheed from tribes outside of Makkah
After a number of years of inviting the Quraish to Islam, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) began approaching Arab tribes that visited Makkah at the time of the Hajj pilgrimage. His preaching to the Quraish had not led to mass conversions of the Quraish to the new religion. Quite the contrary, their resistance to him had hardened over time. The Prophet therefore must have become most interested in finding a sanctuary for himself and his small band of loyal followers away from Makkah.
Since Makkah was the religious and trading capital of Arabia, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) had regular opportunities to interact with other Arab tribes that visited Makkah. This was especially true during the annual Hajj pilgrimage. The Prophet invited the visiting tribes to embrace Islam. He also visited tribes around Makkah and proclaimed his message to them. Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) found people from Yathrib receptive to his message and was able to build on this opening.
Over a three year period, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) developed a large following among the Arab tribes of Yathrib and eventually migrated there with his small band of followers. All of this would not have become possible if he had not pursued a proactive aggressive approach to events.
Change comes with social discourse that includes members of the Deep State
- Every country has a deep state including Turkey.
- Leaders should be ideologically driven, even though they are forced to implement kufr
- Political decision-making is institutionalized.
- The Deep State has to be aligned and agree for a decision to be made
- They need to be convinced in order to create change.
- The people in power need to be convinced of Islam:
- The businessmen
- The politicians
- The families
- The generals
- Community Leaders
- NGO Leaders
Uniting to establish a more Islamic Global Order
Political Philosophy & Fixed Divine Rights & Values
Do not rule by what allah has revealed. Command.
- Self-Preservation Instinct
- Valued strategic protection, as seen in his agreements for safety and meticulous emigration planning.
- Balanced caution with courage in military and political situations.
Just Economic Institutions
Empires are built on trade. In fact, most empires are not only built on trade but created to expand and defend trade. It the earliest stages, merchants profits depend on events outside of their country. When they see things not going their way, they ask their government to intervene to help out. The most powerful states intervene again and again in other countries. Very often, the local elites in less powerful states see benefits to trade with powerful ones anyway, and will support their intervention even against their own government. Thus are the beginnings of empires formed. During the expansion of Rome, some cities completely switched their cultural identity and even moved in order to join the growing Roman state. The British empire in its latest stages self-consciously expanded into new protectorates in order to create new trading opportunities.
Trade is mostly good, and prior to the 20th century there was no way to expand and defend trade except by expanding the scope of one of the great empires. Imperialism somewhat compromises the benefits of trade by forcing particular choices of trading partners and trade goods, which usually tip the balances of the gains from trade to the metropolis.
In the 20th century, we created new institutions in the form of the WTO (formerly GATT) and various regional free trade agreements
Systemic change starts with attitudes and behavior
Disagreement is healthy.
A solution can come out from a disagreement, if people understand the greater goals of Islam.
They want us to believe that we cannot run the country, without them
Strong institutions to fight corruption
Put transparency in the management of public funds.
Anybody who misappropriates public funds, will be held accountable.
Agriculture – Job provider, water management, irrigation programme
Natural Resources – To benefit the Senegalese first
Just Military Institutions – The Responsibility to Protect
Pragmatism vs Idealism (Ummatic)
- Pragmatism – Tempering or counterbalancing the ideal with what one (in his estimation) considers as practical or beneficial.
- The end justifies the means (A Jewish understanding)
- Destroys the sovereignty of Allah, since the individual has the authority to disregard, temper or balance the ideal when he estimates something else more useful.
- Makes the word of Allah equal to what an individual considers as practical. Every individual would probably have a different opinion as to what the best solution.
- Destroys the pursuit of the obedience to the instructions of Allah, since the individual in power will balance the ideal with what he considers as pragmatic.
- Idealism – Prescribed by Allah (in the circumstance)
- The ideals prescribed by Allah are both ideal and pragmatic. (Sometimes attainable, sometimes not)
- The obligation is that the believer always pursues the ideal, immaterial of whether it is attainable or not.
- The believer will only be held liable for his pursuit or lack thereof.
- All permissible aspects (routes, considerations, strategies etc) in the pursuit of the ideal are not necessarily prescribed in the sharee’ah.
- The believer is required to use the principles of the deen as a basis to select from the options available to him.
- For example: lying is haraam:
- A person who is threatened with his life may lie, but only in a just cause.
- He may not lie when he had murdered someone, although in both cases he is trying to preserve his life.
- Sometimes the ideal will be achieved, sometimes a compromise will be achieved and sometimes nothing will be achieved.
The American Empire
The American War of Independence, also known as the American Revolutionary War, was a conflict between Great Britain and the Thirteen Colonies that led to the United States’ independence. The United States is now a founding member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Treaty of Hudaibiya
O you who have believed, obey Allāh and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allāh and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allāh and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.
A leader is a shepherd
- He directs his flock to green pastures.
- He’s got sheep dogs to protect the flock.
- No separation of authority from divinity. One god, one government.
- Allah is also our law giver
- Challenging the oppressive power structures of the world
- Two thirds of verses revealed were revealed in makkah, about the false power structures.
- Syria has got a false government that does not represent it’s people, but it is used for the liberation of Palestine.
- False government to be used for the purpose of Haqq.
- True government to be used for the purpose of Baatil.
United Nations is a tool
- America uses it when it suits them. Other wise they act unilaterally.
- Russia will never support such a mission, so there is no point operating through the UN Security Council.
- The premier international institution, which in dire need of reform. It should be fit for purpose, more democratic and more effective.
- United Nations was put in place in order to settle disputes. Gaza has proven that the global order is ineffective at achieving justice and peace.
Islamic Democracy
- Public acceptance of founding the religious political system
- Hold a referendum on the foundation of the Islamic State.
- Public acceptance of Constitution based on observing Islamic rules
- The Constitution must be quickly ratified by the majority of the nation in a direct referendum.
- The Constitution must insist on Islamic Law in governing the nation with dependence on public voice.
- Equal and free political participation
- As per the right for equal and free political participation provided in the Constitution, minorities, women and religious minorities have a fair position in this system.
- Supervisory Mechanisms
- Internal mechanisms
- Decisions and actions are taken by virtue of the legal authority
- External mechanisms:
- Supervisory organizations
- Press
- Political parties
- Civil institutions
- Internal mechanisms
- Relation between Religious Law and voice of majority
- Since ruling is only for God, the question is how to avoid contradiction with the principle of legislation by public representatives?
- Regulations approved by representatives are further discussed by Jurisprudents in the Guardian Council for any inconsistency with Islamic rules.
- Thus in fields with no clear religious rule, including a vast part of issues, the voice of majority and reasoning by experts plays an important role.
- Since ruling is only for God, the question is how to avoid contradiction with the principle of legislation by public representatives?
We are commanded to establish a responsible and capable leader
Allah commands you to deliver trusts to those worthy of them; and when you judge between people, to judge with justice.
Excellent is the admonition Allah gives you. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
Here the Muslims are forewarned against the evils which had afflicted the Israelites. One of the fundamental mistakes committed by the Israelites was that in the time of their degeneration they had handed over positions of trust ( i.e. religious and political leadership ) to incompetent, mean, immoral, dishonest and corrupt people. The result was that corruption spread throughout the nation.
The Muslims are directed to take heed of this, and to entrust positions of responsibility only to those who are capable of shouldering the burdens of such positions. The other major weakness of the Israelites was that they completely lost their sense of justice. In their pursuit of either personal or national interests, honesty and justice were often sacrificed.
Tafseer Tafheem-ul-Quran Syed Abu-al-A’la Maududi
The group that will appoint the Caliph (Ahlu al-Hall wal-‘Aqd)
A decision-making Muslim committee qualified to elect or depose a caliph on behalf of the Muslim community, which statespersons, scholars, leaders, politicians, and prominent figures are represented. Members must meet three qualification requirements, as stated in al-Ahkam as-Sultaniyyah by Al-Mawardi:
- Integrity of which all requirements are met.
- The knowledge needed to make right decisions as to who should be the Muslim ruler according to the requirements needed for such a position.
- Reasoning and discretion that enable them to choose the right person who qualifies for ruling the Muslims and taking care of their interests.
The leaders are a reflection of their followers
“Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do righteous deeds that He will assuredly make them to succeed (the present) rulers and grant them vicegerency in the land just as He made those before them to succeed (others)” This verse makes it clear that all believers have been conferred upon the Caliphate and not a special class or dynasty. Moreover, the Caliphate granted by Allah to the faithful is the popular vicegerency and not a limited one and thus it is run with the consent of the people.
An Islamic State is a theocracy
It is duty bound to make itself an efficient organ for transforming the high ideals of Islam into reality.
Jesus said: “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” Islam fully subscribes to this view, since no just kingdom can be founded on earth by unjust men, who have not first created the Kingdom of Heaven in their hearts, but Islam goes a step forward and says that the creation of the Kingdom of Heaven within heart is not enough; this Kingdom of Heaven within must be externalized into a Kingdom of Heaven on earth, so that the organized life of man may be built up on the basis of love, fraternity and justice.
Even a lowliest villager could dare tell the Commander of the Faithful that he would set him straight like a spindle if he deviates an inch from the path of righteousness. This shows that the rulers and the officials in the Islamic State are answerable both to God and man for their actions, and the people have every right to criticize, not only their public behavior, but even their private activities.
It is in this sense alone that state in Islam is a theocracy, not in the sense that it is headed by a representative of God on earth who can always hide his despotic will behind his supposed infallibility. An Islamic State is, therefore, theocratic in one aspect as it is run according to God-given laws, but it is altogether a different theocracy of which Europe has had the bitter experience and in which, a priestly clan is sharply marked off from the rest of the population and exercises an unchecked domination and enforces laws of its own making in the name of God, and thus imposes its own godhood upon the common people. The priest puts himself as a mediator between the masses and the unseen God. Such a system is quite un-Islamic.
The theocracy built by Islam is not ruled by a particular religious class, but by the whole community of Muslims including the rank and file as Allah has not appointed a particular individual, group, race or class as the representative of the Real Sovereign upon the earth, but the whole community.
The person who is covetous of leadership is unfit for it
In the context of such heavy responsibilities the heading of the Islamic State or assumption of any other important portfolio in its set-up is a very difficult job so much so that that Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) compared it to the slaughtering of one with a blunt knife. No person, therefore. who is conscious of the responsibilities of the job, covets to assume that; he rather shirks it and accepts it only when he is compelled to do so. The Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) declared that person to be quite unfit for office in an Islamic State who is covetous of it, as he is either ignorant of its grave responsibilities or desires to take undue advantage of his official power.
Cannot enjoin good and forbid evil without power.
Without authority, the Shariah becomes disfigured. No jama’ah without an authoritative government.
Obey those in authority – Our responsibility to establish an authority.
- Khilafah
- Muslims are one unit
- Islamic values take precedence
- The pillars of government are ruler, justice and obedience
- A government led by rulers who are given absolute freedom to run sharia
- The government system is conditional
- Deliberation between the people and the authorities
- The caliph in the khilafah system is a person who represents the people in government
- To carry out Islamic law
International Islamic Court of Justice (IICJ)
A new alliance of Islamic States
- An alliance would empower states to take unified action, without the risk of repercussions.
- Seek alliances with other nations or groups to bolster your position.
- Alliances can provide additional resources, strategic positions, and divide the attention of the opponent.
Appointing a Caliph is Fard Khifayah
- The leadership is the greatest of wajibaat of the religion.
- The religion cannot be established, accept through it.
- It is obligatory to submit to a just Imam.
Ahlu al-Hall wal-‘Aqd (The group that will appoint the Caliph)
A decision-making Muslim committee qualified to elect or depose a caliph on behalf of the Muslim community, which statespersons, scholars, leaders, politicians, and prominent figures are represented. Members must meet three qualification requirements, as stated in al-Ahkam as-Sultaniyyah by Al-Mawardi:
- Integrity of which all requirements are met.
- The knowledge needed to make right decisions as to who should be the Muslim ruler according to the requirements needed for such a position.
- Reasoning and discretion that enable them to choose the right person who qualifies for ruling the Muslims and taking care of their interests.
- In order for a religious law to be enforced, you require a government.
- Government is the management of society
- Government is part of the Islamic Way of Life.
- You cannot expect to benefit from the much needed justice of the law, without enforcing it.
- Don’t think for a second that the religion is not there to be enforced.
- In Islam, the masjid and the government cannot be separate.
- Islam is the foundation and the government is the guard.
Rights and duties of the citizens
- Loyalty from all its citizens
- Wholehearted cooperation in all sectors of life
- Complete obedience to the law of the land
- The commands of the rulers so long as they are in comformity with the Laws of the Shari’ah.
- Where the rulers transgress the limits, the citizens have the right:
- To withdraw co-operation
- To check the rulers from acting against the Commands of Allah and His Apostle (may peace be upon him).
The citizens are also required to pay taxes due to the State quite willingly and not to misappropriate its funds, and to participate in Jihad in any capacity for which they are deemed fit by the authorities of the Islamic State.
Rights and duties of the the Islamic State
“The Head of state is the guardian of him, who has nobody to support him” (Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi).”
- Protect the life, property and honour of every citizen, irrespective of his caste, creed, colour, religion or social status.
- Protect the freedom and individual liberty of every citizen so long as there is no valid reason to curtail it. It cannot be done as an arbitrary act. The State is authorised to lay hands upon it through due process of law.
- Protect the freedom of expression is one of the fundamental rights of the citizen which an Islamic State must respect.
- No citizen remains unprovided for in respect of the basic necessities of life, viz, food, clothing, shelter, medical aid and education.
- To create such conditions in which the good reigns supreme in the society and evil is suppressed and exterminated, and its citizens learn to live as good Muslims.
Muslim Nations Security Council
- Purpose
- To consolidate our political, economic and military power.
- To pursue goals which are vital to the Muslim Ummah.
- To use our power as leverage to trade with various power blocs to achieve our political goals.
- Ideology: Islam
- Political Hierarchy: Islamic Democracy
- The Shura Governing model
- Sovereignty belongs to the Shariah, means potential leaders are selected that meet the necessary Shariah qualifications.
- Power belongs to the people, meaning that the people elect the leader, from approved candidates.
- The Shura Governing model
- Wealth Distribution: Islamic Tax
- Zakaat is a wealth tax, which redistributes wealth from the wealthy to the poor.
- Core Values
- Truth
- Islam: Quran & Sunnah
- Justice
- International Shariah Court
- And whoever does not judge by what Allaah has revealed, such are the kaafiroon (disbelievers)” [al-Maa’idah 5:44]
- International Shariah Court
- Truth
- Political Hierarchy: Islamic Democracy
- Economic Benefits
- An alliance would empower states to take unified action, without the risk of repercussions.
- Alliances can provide additional resources, strategic positions, and divide the attention of the opponent
- A Free trade agreement could boost the economies of member nations.
- Research and development of mutual economic capabilities.
- Research and development of mutual military capabilities.
- Research and development in creating a new gold-backed reserve currency.
- Reaching agreements with BRICS to work towards mutual currency independence.
- An alternative international financial system would neutralize Western sanctions.
- Security Benefits
- The world needs new global law enforcers
- Foster genuine yearning for unity and mutual cooperation among Muslims.
- Don’t fall for extremists calls to repeat history.
- Willing to represent and defend the Muslims
- Working with the Axis of Resistance in order to offer support to Palestine.
- Research and development of biotechnology capabilities, in order to effectively deal with the next pandemic.
- Research and alignment of foreign policies.
- Lending support to Islamic governments and Muslim citizens which are being oppressed or attacked.
- Lending support to Islamic governments and Muslim citizens which are under the poverty line.
- The Monroe Doctrine is a United States foreign policy position that opposes European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere. It holds that any intervention in the political affairs of the Americas by foreign powers is a potentially hostile act against the United States.
- Potential Members
- Palestine
- Hamas
- Palestinian Authority
- All other factions
- Qatar
- The Muslim Brotherhood
- Muslim Jihadi groups
- Türkiye
- Neo-Ottomanism
- Turkey’s nostalgia for the Ottoman Empire and desire to become a regional power.
- The center of power shifted to an Islamically-oriented political elite.
- The identity of the Turkish state has shifted to one that is sensitive to Islamism.
- The heir of the Ottoman Empire holds a particular moral responsibility for the Muslims in the former Ottoman territories.
- Independence from NATO
- The decision makers in Ankara have concluded that US policies more often aggravate than resolve instability in the region, which, in turn, has lengthened the distance from the US-led alliance. Moreover, Ankara is emboldened by its economic growth and its developing national military industry to pursue an autonomous foreign policy.
- Many Turks believe that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) failed to support the democratic government in Turkey nor has it offered much meaningfully assistance in the struggle against both PKK and ISIS terrorism.
- Neo-Ottomanism
- Lebanon
- Afghanistan
- Mali
- Senegal
- Niger
- The Sokoto Caliphate in northern Nigeria
- Brunei
- Indonesia
- Malaysia
- Tajikistan
- Turkmenistan
- Uzbekistan
- Chechnya
- Extreme & Sectarian States
- The Iranian push for a pro-Shia leader in Syria, led to the displacement of 12 million Syrians.
- The Axis of Resistance
- The Saudi push for a pro-Sunni leader in Yemen, has led to the displacement of 4 million Yemenis.
- States such as Iran and Saudi Arabia rhetorically call for Muslim unity through institutions, conferences, publications, and funding while pursuing their foreign policy objectives.
- The Iranian push for a pro-Shia leader in Syria, led to the displacement of 12 million Syrians.
- Palestine
The Russian Power Bloc
- Ideology: Theism
- Political Hierarchy: Consultative Democracy
- Consultative democracy means that people can engage with the policies of the government at every level of society, and they are being consulted at every level.
- Wealth Distribution: Socialist Market Economy
- The system is a market economy with the predominance of public ownership and state-owned enterprises.
- Core Values
- China is opposed to the use of human rights and democracy as a political tool to interfere in other countries.
- “China is firm in supporting the international system with the UN at its core,” and opposes hegemony, power politics, unilateralism, and a Cold War mentality.
- Establishing systems and multi-lateral institutions of public benefit.
- Working for a truly stable international order
- Purpose of BRICS: “A small number of countries have arbitrarily imposed illegal and unilateral sanctions, severely undermining the harmony and stability of international relations.” Mr. Han encouraged the international community to jointly resist such acts.
- Political Hierarchy: Consultative Democracy
- Foreign Policy: Contributions
- Development should be at the center of the international agenda, with “win-win outcomes”.
- China is a natural member of the Global South, firm in upholding their legitimate rights and interests.
- Determined to stop the advancement of Western-style democracy, using democratic slogans to destabilize sovereign states and advance American geopolitical interests.
- No nation wants to risk direct conflict with any of the UN Security Council Members, especially America and China. They prefer fighting through proxies.
- Core Members
- China
- Russia
- Chechnya
- Syria
- Enter Russia on September 30, 2015, and all this changed. Russia decided it was not going to allow another government to be overthrown through Western conspiracy.While we fully support the right of the Syrian people to have their own representative government, the issue in Syria has gone beyond that. What is underway is no longer about the rights of the Syrian people. At one stage there were over 40 different groupings in Syria. Al-Assad had been receiving very little assistance from Iran or Hezbollah with the exception of advisors, this being the price he paid for not following their wise and astute advice given with sincerity.In August 2012 a report by Reuters confirmed what analysts had been speculating from the beginning, that the rebels in Syria were being supported by the hegemonic powers. The report stated “Obama’s order, approved earlier this year and known as an intelligence ‘finding,’ broadly permits the CIA and other US agencies to provide support that could help the rebels oust Asad.” The aim underpinning support for the rebels was evident from an interview conducted with a key FSA figure by the Israeli publication, Israel Hayom. The rebel identified only by an alias Kamal, stated, “Al-Asad’s fall will eliminate the link in the chain that ties Iran with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Not only would you be rid of an enemy, but you [Israel] would also weaken two others.”Islamists on Iran’s border
- Iran, Russia, and Hezbollah joined the fight. All three knew that if Syria fell, their own nations would be next on the regime-changers agenda.
- Speaking on CNN’s Amanpour show last week, Defense Minister Ehud Barak argued that “the toppling down of Assad will be a major blow to the radical axis, major blow to Iran and it will weaken dramatically both Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza.”
- Islamists on Israel’s border
- Like in Libya and Egypt, the US doesn’t want to see the rise of an Islamic government, and the US knew that if Assad collapses too quickly, the ensuing chaos would see Islamic groups rise and take over a strategic part of the Middle East, which they also see as threatening to Israel’s borders (which Assad had helped keep quiet and peaceful).
- Fight until exhaustion
- The picture that emerges is that neither the US nor Russia wants al-Asad to succeed completely. They both want fighting to continue to exhaust government forces to the point that the government would be forced to accept a ceasefire on the terms dictated by the two powers. Russia and the US have agreed on a new constitution for Syria that they want to put to a vote. The constitution calls for devolution of power, a pluralistic society and system and elections in 18 months.
- Genocide
- Many drawing parallels between Israel’s punishing blockade of Gaza with Syria’s siege of the Yarmouk refugee camp, which brought the Palestinian population there to the brink of starvation.
- Enter Russia on September 30, 2015, and all this changed. Russia decided it was not going to allow another government to be overthrown through Western conspiracy.While we fully support the right of the Syrian people to have their own representative government, the issue in Syria has gone beyond that. What is underway is no longer about the rights of the Syrian people. At one stage there were over 40 different groupings in Syria. Al-Assad had been receiving very little assistance from Iran or Hezbollah with the exception of advisors, this being the price he paid for not following their wise and astute advice given with sincerity.In August 2012 a report by Reuters confirmed what analysts had been speculating from the beginning, that the rebels in Syria were being supported by the hegemonic powers. The report stated “Obama’s order, approved earlier this year and known as an intelligence ‘finding,’ broadly permits the CIA and other US agencies to provide support that could help the rebels oust Asad.” The aim underpinning support for the rebels was evident from an interview conducted with a key FSA figure by the Israeli publication, Israel Hayom. The rebel identified only by an alias Kamal, stated, “Al-Asad’s fall will eliminate the link in the chain that ties Iran with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Not only would you be rid of an enemy, but you [Israel] would also weaken two others.”Islamists on Iran’s border
- North Korea
- Iran
- Strategic interests (Power)
- Strong regional Allies
- No enemy forces in the region
- Iran wants a cold war with Israel
- Iran wants no war and no peace
- Iran want to establish deterrence, without any escalations into war.
- Just to demonstrate their ability to hurt their enemies, without doing so.
- Terms used: Strategic Patience, Heroic Flexibility
- A cold war is a state of conflict between nations that does not involve direct military action but is pursued primarily through economic and political actions, propaganda, acts of espionage or proxy wars waged by surrogates.
- Iran’s nuclear program appears to most Israeli’s as an existential threat
- “Negotiations will not stop Iran from improving the crucial part of any nuclear weapons program.”
- An Iranian nuclear weapons capability would not only end that nuclear monopoly but could also prompt other adversaries, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to go nuclear as well.
- If Iran were to reach the threshold of a nuclear weapons state, Tehran would find it much easier to call on its allies in Syria and Hezbollah to strike Israel, knowing that its nuclear weapons would serve as a deterrent to Israel responding against Iran itself.
- Turning people’s political solidarity into religious affiliation
- “We,” Ghuzlan wrote, “agree with the essence of Qaradawi’s critique of the Shia. The Brotherhood prefers not to enter into religious polemics in order to preserve the unity of the Muslim Nation, but Iran should respect that approach too and not take advantage of it by acting to spread Shiism.”
- The Axis of Resistance
- The Axis of Resistance dominates Israel’s foreign policy
- Iraq
- The disastrous arms-for-hostages policy convinced Iraqis rightly that the United States was trying to play both sides of the conflict. Both Iraqis and Iranians came to believe the United States was manipulating each of them during the war.
- President George W. Bush toppled Saddam and ended his brutal dictatorship, but in doing so, Bush opened the door to a Shia majority government which is much friendlier to Tehran than to Riyadh or Amman, or Washington. These are sobering reminders of the unintended consequences of wars.
- Iraq’s post-American power-sharing arrangement grants winners and losers alike shares of government power; this system promotes corruption and bad governance, but it also makes it difficult for a single authoritarian to ever take full control of state resources.
- Hamas & PIJ
- Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad publicly thanked Islamic Iran for giving them real (material) help on the ground
- Yemen
- Ansar Allah
- Lebanon
- Strategic interests (Power)
The American Power Bloc
- Ideology: Materialism
- Political Hierarchy: Plutocracy
- A state or society governed by the wealthy.
- Stability is achieved through democratic competition between corrupt parties
- Wealth Distribution: Capitalism
- Government taxes the rich and poor equally.
- Taxes are attached to most goods and services.
- Owners of capital borrow capital to the Employers of capital.
- Core Values
- Anti-Religion, Anti-Islam, Atheism – Ignores God’s Law. Prefers to place men as lords over others.
- Inaccurate worldviews on men, women, society, life and nature.
- Racist, Greedy, Ruthless, Oppressive, Materialistic
- Materialism: In a society in which materialism is given the highest value, all human values are sacrificed at it’s altar.
- Political Hierarchy: Plutocracy
- Foreign Policy: Contributions
- Media & Freedom [Psychological Control]
- Banking – Giving large unpayable loans [Financial Control]
- Instruments of War [Political Control]
- Human Trafficking
- Human Organ Trafficking
- Foreign Policy: Natural Resource Adventures
- Division
- Leaderless and endless transitions
- Playing opponents against each other
- Exploiting Weak and Divided Governments
- Anarchy
- Imposed Autocracies
- America executed over 72 regime change operations.
- The two-state solution proposed by Saudi Arabia, despite its meager demands, and even though it is giving up most of historical Palestine, is rejected by the Israeli entity in all its sects, right, and left, above and below.
- Natural Resource Exploitation
- Extract cheap natural resources.
- Open markets for expensive finished goods
- Maintaining a forward military posture through Israel and regional military bases.
- War (When the oppressed are resisting)
- Genocide is the foundation of Western Domination
- They drop all pretense of the Western so-called civilizing mission
- They drop all pretense of our moral superiority
- They become the most ruthless and efficient killers on the planet.
- They become the beast, they accuse the oppressed of being.
- The humanitarians insist we bomb other nations, because we embody goodness.
- Division
- Core Members
- American, British & German Christian and Jewish Elite
- Israel
- Israel is the defender of American foreign policy in the Middle East
- Israeli presence in the Middle East would reduce the cost of US presence in the region.
- The special nature of the U.S.-Israel alliance has resulted in special protection of and impunity for Israel in international arenas.
- Saudi Arabia
- Anti-Islam
- Saudi Arabia has labeled Hamas a terrorist organization. This is fundamentally linked to the kingdom’s stance on political Islam and view of Hamas as an extension of the Muslim Brotherhood, which Saudi Arabia has opposed since the Arab Spring.
- Saudis are never to use oil production as a political weapon.
- Saudi bases used against Iraq.
- Israel Normalization
- Saudi circles advocate for Tel Aviv as a part of its regional security and economic system.
- One of Saudi Arabia’s conditions for normalizing relations with “Israel” was a defense treaty with the United States.
- Saudi Arabia faces difficulty in normalizing its relations with the Israeli entity due to the so-called “Arab street’s” continued opposition to such a step.
- Egypt
- “The extent of Egypt’s ruling establishment’s self-prostitution to Saudi money is both embarrassing and unsurprising,” commented the writer Iyad al-Baghdadi Palestine.
- Pakistan
- Pakistani air bases were used against Afghanistan.
- Anti-Islam
- United Arab Emirates
- Ayatollah Khamenei strongly condemned the UAE-Israel normalization, calling it a “betrayal” of the Muslim world
- Bahrain
- Jordan
- Oman
Nabi SAW sought the protection of a Good Superpower, King Najashi.
In the tribal society of Arabia, Nabi SAW live under the protection of his Good Uncle, Abu Talib.
These were disbelievers who helped the cause of Islam at is weakest.
Fard Khifayah uplifting and supporting society
The united nations is the only council we have.
The Western minority should work to strengthen the UN, not weaken it.
We need to learn to be more competitive and more effective.
We are not looking for a leader, we are looking for many leaders.
Leaders change. Institutions outlive leaders.
We need institutions led by hundreds of Muslim leaders.
Islamic Unity requires a 50 year plan.
States are the ideal institution.
We accept each other’s beliefs and culture.
Defense Agreement
Foreign Affairs Agreement
Monetary Agreement
Open borders between our lands
United criteria of judgement and assessment
Corrupt Scholars
Imperialism and Foreign Intervention
1. Those sincerely working for the revival of the ummah.
2. Majority are not scholars, but graduates of shariah. They have no effect. Every week, their are one million jummah khutbah in the Muslim world. Have no effect on reality, politics.
3. Palace scholars. They white wash the crimes of the leaders.
1. Learn Shariah deeply.
2. How to affect people – Media, Authoring articles, Ability to have interviews
3. Deep faith and strong values – The Shariah will not protect you from supporting the tyrants.
4. We need to be less emotional, and more strategic.
After reviewing all the stories of previous prophets and messengers, I can only but conclude they all sought political power and authority to ensure collective submission of their nation to Allah, i.e., Islam.
An ideology is an all-embracing systematic doctrine, which is usually a theory of how to achieve the “good and well being of society”.
Independence requires hard power
Nabi SAW allied only with independent leaders (Al-Aws wal Khazraj), and rejected those with treaties with the enemy.
Power – Getting others to want the outcomes one wants.
Hard power: The use of coercion and payment.
Soft power: Co-opts people rather than coerces them.
Soft power can be wielded not just by states but also by all actors in international politics, such as NGOs or international institutions.
For some time after the Prophet (ﷺ) proclaimed his Prophethood, the Muslims gathered at Durul Arkam, the house of Arkam, to perform salah and to learn about Islam without fear of torture or persecution. It effectively became the first Study Circle or Madressa (Islamic school) in Islam.
When the Muslims were being persecuted in Makkah, the Prophet SAW sent a group of Muslims to Abyssinia. Like Mecca, Abyssinia was not a Muslim society but it’s king, Negus, preserved the rights of the Muslim minority, and gave them protection and freedom of faith. Abyssinia was described as a land where no one was oppressed and this is what prompted the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to encourage Muslims to migrate there. The Prophet wanted to keep a strategic reserve for Islam in a far and safe place beyond the reach of Quraish’s tyranny.
When the Messenger of Allah (saw) met the tribes in the season, he called them to Allah and to Islam and to offer what he brought from Allah’s guidance and mercy. He approached those who were known and of honor and invited them to the message he brought. If he accepted Islam, then the Prophet (saw) would request his Nusra (material support). Thereafter he formed an alliance between Al-Aws and Al-Khazraj, to form the Ansar (Helpers) of Medina.
When the noble Messenger of Allah (pbuh) arrived in Madinah, one of his first acts was to promulgate the Covenant of Madinah that established the first Islamic State on a legal basis. Soon thereafter, the noble Messenger (pbuh) entered into treaty arrangements with neighboring tribes.
- Political War: International Islamic Shura Council
- Political Awareness
- The Prophet SAW was aware of what was happening around him in the Arabian Peninsula and its surroundings. He knew that the Negus of Abyssinia was a just king and that no one would be wronged under his rule.
- This should be a trait of all Muslims: to know and understand the context in which they are living and have an idea about the environment surrounding them to be able to know when and how to do something.
- International Islamic Shura Council
- The Muslims are identified by their love for Allah SWT, His Prophet SAW, Islam and the Muslims.
- Invite representatives from all Muslim nations.
- Invite those who are well-known and of honor.
- To accept Islam and help Islam with their wealth and their lives.
- Peace treaties
- The Holy Prophet (saw) extended his acquaintance with neighboring tribes of Medina in order to establish peace treaties, so that the vicinity of the region could breathe a sigh of relief from the constant fear of attack by intruders.
- Political Awareness
- Psychological Decolonization: Halaqat & Social Media
- Defend Truth
- Learn and Teach the vast knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah.
- Establish a school or a regular study circle in person or online.
- Share the universal truth of Islam with everyone, everywhere, even in public places.
- Expose Falsehood
- The Quraiyshi trade caravans propagated false information and provoked neighboring tribes of Medina against Muslims.
- Defend Truth
- Economic Decolonization: Intercepting their Caravans
- These trade caravans were always heavily armed and accompanied with trained soldiers. Their passing closer to Medina could always end up with a sudden attack on Muslims.
- These trade caravans were a big source of livelihood for the Quraish. By intercepting them, it was possible to bring Quraish cruelties and oppression to an end. Above all it constrained them to reconciliation, which they denied to come to terms with, from day one. In fact, history bears witness that this strategy produced miraculous results and ultimately compelled the Quraish to come to reconciliation in the end.
- The revenue of these trade caravans was mostly, in some cases entirely, spent on war against Muslims. Hence, interception of these caravans was a legitimate reason for Muslims.
- Territorial Decolonization: Defensive Jihad
- Hacking
- Damaging information systems.
- Extracting vital information.
- Surveillance systems
- The Holy Prophet (saw) established a surveillance system around Medina in order to stay informed of the movements of the Quraish and their allies, in case they attempted a sudden attack.
- Defensive Jihād: Resisting Oppression
- Guerrilla warfare cannot be stopped by conventional militaries. This is true when looking at the record of superpowers verses asymmetric forces such as in Russia vs. Afghanistan, US-NATO Coalition vs. Afghanistan.
- The presence of armed guerrillas creates a perpetual status of instability which neutralizes the state, and makes it susceptible to foreign intervention.
- Hacking
They form alliances and BLOCS.
We divide, nationalise and vy for protection from outside powers.
Who owns and controls the world?
1. Economic Power
- Multinational Corporations: Companies like Amazon, Apple, Google, and Microsoft hold massive economic influence due to their global reach and wealth.
- Financial Institutions: Large banks, hedge funds, and investment firms (e.g., BlackRock, Vanguard, JPMorgan Chase) control significant global capital.
- Wealthy Individuals: Billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Warren Buffett shape industries and policies through wealth and investments.
2. Political Influence
- Governments: Leading nations (e.g., the U.S., China, Russia, and the EU) exercise global political influence through diplomacy, military strength, and economic policies.
- Global Organizations: Institutions like the United Nations, World Bank, IMF, and World Economic Forum play a role in international cooperation and governance.
- Geopolitical Alliances: Military alliances like NATO or regional blocs such as the EU shape global power dynamics.
3. Cultural and Ideological Influence
- Media and Entertainment: Companies like Disney, CNN, and major social media platforms (e.g., Meta, TikTok) influence public opinion worldwide.
- Tech and Information Control: Platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter dominate the flow of information, enabling or restricting narratives.
- Religious Institutions: Major religions and their leaders influence billions of people, impacting culture, ethics, and politics.
Who owns and controls America?
1. Economic Control
- Corporate Influence: Large multinational corporations like Amazon, Google (Alphabet), Apple, and Microsoft dominate the U.S. economy, shaping industries like technology, healthcare, and retail.
- Wealth Concentration: A small percentage of wealthy individuals control a significant portion of the country’s wealth. For example, the top 1% of Americans own over 30% of total wealth. Billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Warren Buffett hold considerable economic influence.
- Financial Institutions: Banks and investment firms such as JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and BlackRock play a major role in economic policy, investments, and financial markets.
2. Political Influence
- Lobbying Groups: Organizations like the NRA, pharmaceutical lobby, and tech companies significantly influence legislation through lobbying.
- Political Donations: Wealthy donors and PACs (Political Action Committees) contribute heavily to political campaigns, influencing policymakers. For example, industries like oil, healthcare, and defense are key political players.
- Government Structure: While elected representatives theoretically govern, corporate interests and career politicians often influence policy decisions. The “revolving door” between government and private sectors is a key factor.
3. Social and Cultural Control
- Media Conglomerates: Companies like Disney, Comcast, and AT&T own major news, entertainment, and streaming platforms, shaping public opinion and culture.
- Tech Giants: Social media platforms like Facebook (Meta), YouTube, and Twitter (X) control information dissemination and influence discourse.
- Ideological Influence: Think tanks, universities, and cultural leaders shape societal values, education systems, and public debates on key issues like race, climate change, and free speech.
- Awareness of Political Landscape:
- Developed strategic alliances and balanced tribal rivalries in Madina.
- Neutralized adversaries through peaceful means when possible.
Diplomatic and Military Strategies
- Understanding Balance of Power:
- Formed alliances to strengthen the Muslim community.
- Leveraged political opportunities to expand Islam.
- Effective Use of Intelligence Networks:
- Used intelligence to prepare for battles like Badr and Uhud.
- Avoided conflicts when intelligence suggested unfavorable conditions.
- Projection of Power:
- Expanded influence through diplomacy, treaties, and conquests.
- Ensured peaceful integration of newly converted regions.
- Targeting Enemy Nerve Centers:
- Focused on strategic locations, like Makkah, to maximize leverage.
International Contradiction
Some countries want a hegemonic unipolar world.
There are other countries that want a multi-polar world, where countries can pursue their own ideologies, their own economic systems, etc.
It is worth noting that Turkish-Russian relations are marked by a complex interplay, featuring both collaborative efforts and opposition in proxy wars.
Identity Politics
Genuine Liberals believe in:
- Meritocracy – Do capable people become leaders ?
- Equal Opportunity
- Colour-Blind Justice
Covid 19 was an American attack on China
Cannot rely on on market forces, need the intervention of the state.
Too many checks and balances leads to more corruption.
Stronger leadership.
There are time where we will need more distributed power, thats possible, but not now.
- Race
- Gender
- Religion
Oppressed marginalized minority. Society shaped by systemic racism.
Identity Politics is more pronounced in America and Britain
Jobs based on politics of race or gender.
Exploiting our moral sensibilities
Calls to dismantle imperialist capitalist.
Abolishment of prisons and detention centers
Taking advantage of our natural desire to be liked, they
People are judged by the content of their character.
Oppositional Determination
- The chefs cooking the food in front of the patrons obscures the preparation that takes place behind the scenes.
- The spectacle of productivity, obscures the base layer of production that has to occur.
- Race and Gender hide Class in plain sight.
- The democratization and broadening of the struggle by means of identity politics.
- The particularization of struggle into the myriad forms of struggle, allow the functioning of Capitalism to take place as the ultimate horizon of all meaning in the world.
- If we particularize the struggle, we lose the sense of the universal, we lose the struggle itself.
- Capitalism is all to happy to celebrate the victories of identity politics.
- Identity politics is a trap, whereby narratives of victimhood becomes necessary in order to create legitimacy for oneself.
- The ultimate narrative of victimhood is the White-Ethnic one.
- The obstacle to power in a feudal society, is competition for power.
- A healthy democracy is one in which people do not agree and there is a constant fight for power by different interests.
- The monarch or feudal authority creates the illusion of stability.
- Government exists as the protector of of Civic Society.
- Any resistance to this illusion is considered something that undermines the very foundations of society. Anarchy and Chaos would ensue.
Democracy is the Will of the People
- The rule of the people, essentially means that the people equals the Universal Truth or core of society.
- The government becomes depoliticized and neutered of it’s authoritarian content, so as to guarantee the interests of civic society.
- The government exists to safeguard the rights of the property holding class.
- Capitalism continues feudal system of repression in it’s opposite guise.
- In a Capitalist system, government exists to ensure the continued functioning of Capital.
- Post-ideological and post-political is the process by which ideology and political allegiances come to seem suspicious to us.
- Instead we have a technocratic class, a centrist government, which outsources problems to the Consultant Class, so that we can have the illusion of a politics that serves Capital and the Capital Class and therefore Capitalism.
The false universal of post-modern identity politics
- The political is never about the overt political content nor about the political ideology behind it. The political is the investigative inquiry into a societies universal and particular positions of belonging.
- Feudal society – The monarch is the universal representative of the authority of God. The responsibility of society is to sustain the universal core.
- Capitalist society – Governing class becomes devoid of ideological content. It becomes post-political, technocratic. It is there to serve Capitalism.
- Struggles in identity politics serves to obscure the idea that no theoretical or practical alternative to Capitalism can take place.
- The working class was taken to be the universal class, because never was the working class considered the majority.
- The central logic of identity politics is how to make Capitalism work for the poorer class.
- The ideology of Capitalism is that nobody is poor, everyone is in the process of becoming rich.
- The working class is not seeking representation, instead it is seeking absolution and seeking to deidentify itself.
- If the goal of the working class, is to eliminate the necessity for a working class.
- Identity politics is the opposite of this and moves people into wider dissemination.
- It is the reduction of class into representational struggle.
- The most radical conclusion of the New Testament, is not that man can ascend to unite with God.
- It is that God equals weak, fallen man.
- The Divine essence is made manifest only by means of
- It is not How to reunite with God.
- It is how God is reunited with us.
- It is that Truth is transposed onto appearance.
- Democracy is not a melting pot of cultures.
- It is a constant struggle to articulate the needs of society.
- It is impossible to translate all of the interest of the people into a universal framework.
- The only true universal is difference.
- Feudal System – The leader embodies the will of the people.
- Democracy – The will of the people is temporarily represented in short periods of consensus which is forever subject to change.
Role of the US Dollar in the Global Economy:
- Dominant Reserve Currency: The US dollar has been the world’s primary reserve currency since the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944, maintaining its dominance even after the gold standard was abandoned in 1971.
- International Trade and Finance: The dollar is the standard currency for global trade and commodity markets, facilitating international transactions and investments.
- Influence on Emerging Markets: Fluctuations in the dollar’s value significantly impact emerging markets, affecting their economic stability and growth prospects.
2. Implications of Dollar Dominance:
- Monetary Policy Constraints: Emerging markets often face challenges in implementing independies due to the dollar’s influence on their economies.
- Debt Vulnerabilities: Many developing countries have debts denominated in US dollars, making them susceptible to exchange rate fluctuang their financial risks.
- Geopolitical Leverage: The US can exert geopolitical influence through the dollar by imposing sanctions and controlling access to the ystem.
3. Prospects of De-dollarization:
- Emergence of Alternative Currencies: Currencies like the Chinese yuan and the Indian rupee are gaining prominence, with some countries seeking to reduce their dependence on the US dollar.
- Digital Currencies: The development of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), such as China’s digital yuan, presents potential alternatives to the dollar-dominated financial system.
cial Landscape Transformation:** A shift towards multiple reserve currencies could lead to a more multipolar global financial system, altering international economic dynamics.
The Superpowers rule the world
Turkey, Iran and Germany are not Superpowers, their policies revolve around America’s foreign policy.
Khomeini was brought in by the CIA to overthrow the Shah and create a larger divide between Sunni and Shia.
What Iran did in Syria and Iraq is clearly aligned with American foreign policy.
What Turkey is doing in Syria must also be aligned with American foreign policy.
Israel is not backing the rebels.
Americans are backing the rebels, and America will secure Israel’s interest.
America will not allow Israel to expand further.
The world is running on Bully Politics. It’s all a stage, controlled by America.
People are emotional. They want the world to be what they want it to be, they don’t want the truth.
Iran is under the thumb of America, not because they love America, but they are forced to submit their power.
Syria was living under the thumb of Israel.
Yes, there was a war between Iran and Iraq and between Iran and the Syrian people.
There has never been a real war between Iran and Israel.
Islam is a system of justice.
Unity is the only way forward.
We need a government that is willing to concede temporary gains for a long term victory.
Non-Muslim tankies are deluded. The world is not that binary.
There isn’t some pro-American camp and some Anti-Imperialist camp.
There are countless examples in history, where things were more fluid and pragmatic in terms of how civilizations emerged.
Political Left that wants to see the world through an analytical lens that does not see the reality. A materialistic, minority focussed view.
Don’t assume anything about yourself, people and the world. Listen to the world. It will tell you the truth.
They tell us something, and do something else.
What is their policy vs what do they want us to think is their policy?
Radical left is just as extreme and the radical rights. The radical left runs all the institutions.
The Oligarchs
For decades, Americans have been reluctant to label the billionaires bankrolling electoral campaigns as oligarchs. The term, it seemed, was better suited to Russia, conjuring up images of shadowy figures using corruption and criminality to build and protect commercial empires.
The 10000 institutions are the oligarchs that collectively set the agenda. The educational, corporate institutions.
It’s a matter of basic justice to control these 10000 institutions.
Democratic forces is to control the terms of our public life. To control the shape of our shared public life, is to control the institutions.
They say “Governmental control should be minimized at all costs.” That doesn’t help the cause of liberty. It hurts the cause of liberty.
Berkley gives people their membership card amongst the ruling class. They give us the glasses through which we can see around us.
Sanctity of individual rights, does not mean that we are immune from public control.
By intervening in these institutions, we can preserve individuals rights.
Universities and Businesses are very intertwined with government
The answer to tyranny is democracy, not smaller government.
Hubris, denial, and prejudice have a way of clouding judgment.
The elite are guilty, so they have to compensate by talking about morality. Their problem is when their children call them out.
The separation of public property (natural resources) from government property (no nationalization) from private property (no privatization) ensures no corruption in the public sector. The law must ensure the separation of representatives from canvassing for support from the public, but rather just presenting there principles and goals in an equal fashion, then no marketing nor election campaigns are required.
And the asset tax (zakaat) instead of the income tax (corporate friendly).
No one likes nuance these days, then you are labelled. Talking about politics and Syria, things are very murky, and grey areas.
When it comes to Islam, most things are black and white. Very different to politics.
Propelling their civilization. and putting themselves at the forefront.
Principle of proportionate use of power, Principle of distinction – Non-existent in Israeli Law.
Do we trust Turkey? Do we trust countries? No. We trust governments and leaders. All nation states are selfish, and don’t care about their neighbours.
Erdogan is good for the Islam in his own society.
Cooperation culture, not domination culture.
Agreed principles expecting from government in Damascus: A. No mixing terrorist groups namely ISIS and PKK. B. No threat to neighboring countries, C. No treating badly the minorities. 1. Territorial Integrity, 2. Political Unity, 3. Sovereignty.
Iran’s presence in Syria did not prevent a big genocide in Gaza.
UN’s Agenda 2030
UN’s Agenda 2030 is all about control. Leaders lacking empathy reduce humanity to a mere dataset which can be monitored.
The outcome is a rich getting richer, poor getting a bit more, middle class getting colder, poorer and more enslaved.
Human beings are commodities which can be monetized.
There is a false assumption that their is consensus on climate change.
The race is on to save the world, and also to line the pockets of the small group of experts driving this agenda.
This powerful technocracy might promote efficiency, cleaner seas, toilets in remove African villages, but as per their literature, the stuff that really excites them is not the expensive projects, it is the profitable stuff, the solar farms, the wind turbines, it is surveillance on the streets, it is the trans ideology.
Responsible technology.
Must freedom of religion be promoted ?
Legalized bribery is the basis of our political system.
Politically correct textbooks and ideas will not change the political system.
Distribution of wealth is not determined by effort or merit, but be power relations.
The rules of the economic game are set by those who control the world.
Focus on markets grows the gap. Focus on distribution, lessens the gap.
Anti-Imperialists of convenience. Chinese, Russian, Arab Imperialism ?
Dependant on the US for trade and investment.
What is the moral basis of Turkey, Qatar and other states?
The Quran is the purpose, the Hadith is the path to the purpose. Look at the Truth in the Quran.
Left & Right Wing
Democratic party supported a right wing nation.
A subtle threat from the ideologically united institutions, to threaten liberty.
Non-divine law is oppression and they are enforcing it on the world.
Being punished for our morality.
One God, God’s Leader. God’s Vision. God’s Earth. God’s Living Creation, God’s Children, One Family. One Opportunity to compensate Him for His countless favors.
Allah gave us abundance, they give us scarcity. Their ideology is abundance for them, and scarcity for the rest.
Learn the method of Nabi SAW’s dawah
Redistribution of food, goods, property and rights.
There are no truths, vs there are many fundamental to rationality.
You have to exploit them so that their evil cannot spread around the world.
Fiqh of priorities
Tablighis follow, spread and emphasize weak and unverified hadiths.
Middle East is a source of vital resources. It controls the worlds vital waterways. Islam disrupts their ideologies.
We base our views on the strongest evidence.
We cannot trust palace scholars, paid by regimes. The ummah does not have confidence in the ijtihads of government scholars.
Syria is a kufr regime, jailing scholars, raping women, knock on the door, then you disappear.
Economic misery. Not an ijtihadi issue, when people are being oppressed.
A nation is a group of people with common language, common history, close gene pool.
Islam became the dominant religion through time, not through violence.
Iraq, Syria Egypt, Sudan & Yemen – United Arab Republic Flag. Similar Flags. Palestine / Jordan – Hashimite Damascus.
Allah’s relationship to Humanity
The Good is from Allah, the bad is from you.
Uniting with Non-Muslim Nations
Allah values all human-beings equally, as having the potential for great good and great evil.
Our Identity & Culture
Every human being has a right to live as he has chosen.
But if you choose a way of life that is founded upon Material Values over Divine Values, then Justice will have to be enforced, regardless of your religion.
Our Territory
Every human being has a right to a piece of the earth.
The animals are under our protection.
Highly predictable
Capitalists – Theft of Natural Resources & Profit
Our Responsibility
The leaders are supposed to mobilize the people, not the other way around.
Who are our Friends ?
Who are our Enemies
A good example is a good alternative
Start moving the world towards good, healthy, Islamic alternatives.