*Shallow political understanding is our downfall*
The reason the Muslims are humiliated is because we don’t understand politics.
Our ummah is easily moved by emotional sloganeering and childish name-calling. The disinformation is at epic levels.
You need to understanding security interests, geography, history, etc. in order to understand politics.
Everyone wants to be a doctor and engineer, slaves of the corporations. International relations is a difficult subject.
*The Sunni-Shia Divide*
The Iranian regime hijacked the Shia madhab.
They create polarization in order to mobilize. How do you mobilize people? Through emotions. What’s the strongest emotion? Hate.
The Iranian regime invests Sunni hate. Saudi Arabia invests in Shia hate.
Iran was more successful.
*At least Iran is doing something*
Iran is is a tool of the US, so whatever they do is irrelevant.
America can flatten Iran in one week, and Iran knows it.
Iran have backchannel communications with Israel.
Israel is not the problem, the problem is the domination of the Middle-East.
*US Strategy is to dominate the area*
The US needs to dominate the area. The area is 90% Sunni.
The Iranians don’t like to be part of the Sunni majority.
Americans are investing in Iran, because of the Divide and Conquer Strategy.
Robert Bayer said “Iran is a more important ally than Israel.”
If you look at the history of US-Iran relations, you will see the American support for Iran all along.
*Iranian Strategy is to occupy Saudi Arabia, not to free Palestine*
The enemy of my enemy is my friend – Iran and the US have a common enemy.
“You want to fight the great Satan? No, they are our friends. We want to occupy Saudi Arabia.”
The Shia are scared of Sunni unity. Iranians don’t see themselves as part of the Sunni world.
US made it clear to Iran, they don’t want them to respond to Israel. US approved one missile strike.
The missiles sent to Israel, were not to create damage, but to send a message. Don’t attack Iran directly, or else.
*Israeli Strategy is to expand and to kick out the people of Gaza*
Israel was created by Britain. Now Israel is like a teenager, where the Biden administration has to negotiate with Israel to get it to do what it wants. The execution of US foreign policy is different between Democrats and Republicans.
Right now, America does not want that.
If the Americans were angry about something, it is that they did not give the green light for Israel to expand.
Israel was upset that US allowed Iran to expand, and not them.
The problem is that if Israel is allowed to conquer the Middle-East, they dominate the resources and then they become a superpower, challenging the US.
*Muslim Unity is a superpower*
We disagree with the Shia views, but they are still Muslim.
We are talking about the average case. We should love the Shia as our brothers and sisters.
There are extremists on both sides, who may cross the line of kufr.
Anybody who curses Ayesha RA is a 100% kaafir, but this is 2% of the Shia.
Turkey and the Gulf States can’t even impose economic sanctions on Israel.
If the Muslim world unites, the area will be the richest area on the planet, with 2 Billion people, larger than Russia.
US is doing everything to ensure that this does not happen. Any superpower does not want another superpower rise to above them.
All we want is to choose our own leaders.
Without accurate Political Awareness, you become a political tool
- It is unacceptable to be politically unaware, because their is blood involved and the honor of our sisters are involved.
- The believer is smart. We should not be fooled by speeches.
- Today we have the internet. We have to do a little bit of research.
- Politics is a card game, and no one is showing their cards.
- When America goes into Iraq, they not going to say, we going in to strip them of their resources.
Israel is a child of the Western Empire
- The civilization friction was always between the Western Europeans including North America and Islam.
- Israel is an extension of the empire, and not the head of the empire.
- America wants the oil price to go down. Iran is threatening to destroy the oil facilities in the Gulf, which would raise oil prices.
- The American Foreign Minister was shocked when Israel killed Nasrallah.
- The child of the Western Empire is challenging them.
Unity for Iran means Shia domination
- Many Palestinians think that Iran are their saviors.
- They say “They are the only one’s doing something.”
- This is not how you measure political support.
Iranian Unity is Syria
- Where was the unity when the civilians rose against the Mushrik, Kaafir, Draconian, Monster in Syria ?
- Ex-Secratary General of Hezbullah said clearly, that Iran and Hezbullah did not fight ISIS in Syria. They targetted the Syrian people.
- Is this the unity they are talking about ?
- Why did they give Iraq to them on a silver platter? We are being played.
- Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states are walking down the same road, by demonizing the Shia. The colonialists thrive on these sectarian wars.
Iranian Unity in Lebanon
- Hezbullah is not a movement. Hezbullah is the Shia of Lebanon.
- The death of Nasrallah had no impact on Hezbollah, their are 2 Million Shia in Lebanon.
- When and where did Khamenei embrace the Sunni Muslims in Lebanon?
- The Shia in Lebanon and other countries believe that Iran cares about them and the Shia in general.
- The leaders of Iran have their own geo-strategic objectives, irrespective of the Shia of Lebanon, the Shia of Iran or anywhere else in the rest of the world.
The normalization is not with Israel. It is with secularized Islam.
- Muslims are undergoing Political socialization
- Moulding a population to accept your ideas. Pushed by the West, including the Zionists.
- Changing hearts and minds through education, media, etc.
- Did Turkey sign the Abraham Accords? All these countries already had these relationships.
- Normalization is about subjugation of the ummah and enforcing a secularized Islam upon the Muslims.
- They want the Muslims to accept their secular world order.
- To be a better Muslim, you can do more salaah, more fasting, etc. It is all individualistic. That’s why we are disunited.
Sincere Unity is the only solution
The number one lesson to learn from all of this is that without unity, we are weak and with weakness, we will be slaughtered to death. There is not united nations to save you, their is not human rights for you. At best, these are for the West. Allah created us to be one single ummah. Unity is achieved through two means:
- Being convinced of Islam as a mission for life, has to become a public demand.
- We have to get organized and work together to form this unity worldwide. We are one family.
- We are technologically backwards. Why do they have air superiority. We can’t continue to be “Developing Nations” for the next hundred years.
- We need sincere, caring leaders.
A vision of a strong united Islamic Nation
- Islam is about Deseculization.
- Desecularize yourself and others around you.
- For unity to happen, we need to see each other as full Muslims.
- Every Muslim must sincerely believe in the finality of the Prophethood and reject any prophecies that came thereafter.
- The White American is oppressed by it’s own government.
- Islam provides emancipation and liberation.
- The demonize Islam everyday.
- Is it possible that the fastest growing religion in the world.
The fitra is nourished with religiosity.
A person in touch with their fitra, they are automatically attracted to Islam.
Unity means Uniformity on:
- The true meaning of Aqeedah
- The true aims objectives of the Shairah.
- The direction of the political aspirations of the ummah.
When we had a khilafah and we were strong, the scholars wrote books on the differences of opinion.
When we teach the khilafaat (differences of opinion) instead of the foundations, then people think that these khilafaat are the most important aspects of the deen.
They took the kuliyaat foundational principles for granted. That is why they did not attribute the juziyaat (minor principles) to the kuliyaat (major principles).
The result is that you commit zulm (oppression).
Teachers must fear Allah and instead of glorifying and expanding the disagreements, they should glorify the agreements, which are the principles of Islam.
The problem with the classical madrassa system is that
1. we don’t teach khuliyaat, we teach juziyaat and focus on it.
- We don’t teach humanities, social science. It expands your understanding.
- management, political science.
- Teaching Islamic sciences as technical subject narrows your understanding. You will not be able to think macro.
- The state of the ummah is that the essence of aqeedah is lost, with atheism, secularism and liberalism.
The ummah is stuck on question number 5 of the exam paper. We need to resolve the Moulood issue, the Tasawwuf issue, the Moonsighting issue. Because of certain minor issues, the ummah stuck. Islam is so dynamic that it survived everywhere in world.
The highest objectives of the Shariah is to worship Allah and to establish justice.
The political direction
The ummah is split. One part of the ummah wants to establish Islam, and the other camp wants safety regardless of the establishment of Islam.
Many Muslims are normalising and uniting with dictators, against the interests of the Muslims and against their own brothers and sisters.
A fundamental disagreement in Aqeedah, is in Al Wala wal Bara. Who you should be loyal to and whom you should disassociate yourself from.
In many countries we cooperate with non muslims to stop drugs, to support palestine, etc.
Teachers have a responsibility to expose their students to different views. Many teachers want to control their students, because they want their belonging.
Students must be exposed to many teachers. Take them to visit and learn from other teachers.
Many of these views have been around for 1000 years. Do you think that most of the other groups views are baseless? This is disrespecting yourself and your intelligence.
As long as the view is in line with the aims and objectives of the Shariah, it must be respected.
Every group wants the ummah to be strong, if not than it means that this group doesn’t mind siding with the enemies.
If we disagree, let each group do what they believe in, as long as they don’t work for the disunity of the ummah.
You don’t want to be involved in politics, no problem. Just don’t say that involvement in politics is haraam or counterproductive.
Those that don’t want to get involved in politics, let them be.
Don’t say that I am the only one on haqq. Say I am on haqq as well.
The tableeghi will not fit into the political group and the political muslims will not fit into the tableegh group. Everyone must stay in their groups and complement each other.
They are both fixing a part of the ummah. The ummah is in need of the entire ummah.
- Imaan
- Islamic Knowledge
- General knowledge
- Awareness of the state of the ummah
- Akhlaaq – The ummah is Dishonest, cheating, backbiting, no compassion.
The ummah needs to be effective in:
- Politics. Deen without politics leads to politics without deen.
- Media – The narrative war
- Economy – A poor ummah will never be strong.
- Legal – We are all governed by International Law, whether you like it or not.
- Education – Should serve the ummah, not be against the ummah.
- Military – Should serve the ummah, not be against the ummah.
- Management – Intelligent people with poor management skills leads to corruption, wastage and weakness. Many Muslims are working against each other.
Teachers must learn to sit like students.
If the sheikh feels that he is above the students, the sheikh will not look at his mistakes.
Nabi SAW used to be Jibraeel’s AS student, even though he was better than him.
Teachers are always giving so they find it difficult to receive.
Mu’tazila are a rational sect
They would reformulate their creed, when they come across arguments that they could not respond to.
Ashari’s had rational arguments.
Outward struggle without inward perfection corrupts the world.
Inward struggle without an attempt to improve the world is not real.
Love for Bani Adam comes naturally to the purified heart.
The desires of the self and the akhlaaq in dealing with others must be disciplined.
You are not allowed to unveil your faults
- Criticism to correct you.
- Criticism to hurt you.
- Criticism to backbite about you.
Victims of the loss of their own world and culture.
Meaningless global culture of Netflix.
Trade union
Buy together and supply together.
Brics Plan
give anc an ideology and a new economic policy, and corruption plan.
The reigns to pull back the stallion of unlimited wants
The devil threatens you with poverty.
A scarcity mindset is from the devil.
They are led by their desires, and they look for intellectual justifications for it.
We are sold independence and freedom, but we are made dependent on the state.
When we are dependent on the extended family and the community, we get a much greater level of freedom.
Christians have given over the public domain to secularism, which is hostile to religion
Life is usually uncomfortable and restlessness.
Having a healthy narrative for your life is very important.
When you believe in yourself, it means you believe in possibilities and your potential
I want to give people the greatest understanding of the Truth, in order to empower and inspire people.
The fundamental choice: Are you a machine or a soul?
We cannot prove it.
Why do you want to believe that you are only a machine?
So you can be totally irresponsible, since their are no consequences.
Why do you want to believe that you are a soul?
Being totally responsible.
Only if we believe we are separate, I can do something bad to you, it does not affect me.
If we are connected, hurting you is my problem too.
Reinforcement learning.
Most people don’t understand a thing about who they are.
We all have the capacity to experience the joy of true free-will.
Many people don’t want to experience it, they prefer to believe that they are the body, and have very limited experience.
We see a hierarchical organization in the body and in the cosmos.
Fundamental intention
- Work for yourself, is limited – competition
- Working for others, the sky is the limit – cooperation
Cooperation is the foundation of the world.
Competition tends to separate.
Life is the survival of the fittest.
Consciousness is the emergent property of the brain.
How can more come from less?
In classical physics, the sum of the parts is the sum of the parts.
Emergentism is a property of Quantum Physics. It does not exist in classical physics.
If we don’t learn to cooperate, we will kill each.
A machine dies, a soul, field or conscious being that survives death.
The heart is light, love, peace, joy, comprehension, knowing.
The value is in knowing, not in usefulness.
When we die, we enter a world where meaning is the only currency.
Each of your 50 trillion cells has the genome of the entire body.
A cell can express new things that were not present at birth.
A computer is a purely classical system, it is an on/off switch.
We are not the body, we exist in a deeper reality.
We falsely believe that we are the body.
If we observe only the symbols that the body produces, that we become closed to other symbols.
To know is to bring into existence.
If the body is left to do what it wants, it becomes predictable, it acts according to how it was programmed.
The body responds to what the consciousness wants.
The body simply memorizes things that important for the body to function.
The body does not have free will.
The ego that believes itself to be the body. The ego also believes that it should do certain things and not others.
The ego is making the body do what it wants.
Sometimes the consciousness needs to actively change the brains thinking habits.
To act with free-will from the
True courage is comes from the consciousness, not the body.
As the consciousness learns, the body learns.
The body mirrors the consciousness.
Classical Reality – Space and time is not the only reality.
Panpsychism is a philosophical theory that all things have a mind or mind-like quality.
Consciousness is a fundamental feature of the physical world
Physics can only explain qualia, which is only the entry to the inner world.
Qualia are the experiences of the senses and the inner feelings.
Comprehension is the path to meaning.
Then there is meaning, which is in the realm of metaphysics.
Metaphysics can only be known from the inside.
Physics is incomplete, because it does not allow the inner world to exist.
Identity is how one sees itself, how one was created.
Identity is how we look at ourself as a Multi-dimensional object
There are conversations happening in front of us.
We can perceive only one band in-front of us, where there in communications happening.
With a cellphone, we can pick up the signals in the space around us.
Qualia exists in the field.
Electron is matter, energy and information.
Every electron field knows itself.
The quantum field of the electrons in the universe are communicating with other quantum fields.
Quantum physics shows that the whole is the sum of the parts.
Every creation comes from the inner world, the quantum world.
Knowledge and existence are aspects of the same thing.
Knowing creates a structure.
Knowing oneself is the deepest longing of man.
Materialism, Scientism or Physics says that everything that exists must be measured, otherwise it does not exist.
You cannot have consciousness without free-will.
Quantum physics does not describe reality, only what you can know about reality.
A computer cannot be conscious because it does not have free-will.
Physics can tell you where a particle is.
Quantum physics can only tell you the probability of the placement of a particle.
When conscious free will is applied, then the wave function collapses to a state.
The I is not the body.
3 Levels of Reality
- Quantum state is a representation of a conscious experience or Qualia. Truth transcends proof.
- It can only be experienced from inside.
- What you say about what you feel, is only a symbol of what you feel.
- Consciousness and free-will are fields that do not exists in space time.
- Space time is manifested from a free-will decision taken from the quantum field.
- The body is the bridge between the quantum information and the classical information.
- Live symbols include speech, which has more capacity for meaning.
- Classical symbols include written words, which is static.
- Matter is a manifestation of mind.
We cannot know ourselves in entirety. We are constantly discovering ourselves.
The observer affects the observer.
When I speak I observe you.
My speaking affects you and me.
Who am I?
Know the totality of oneself.
Why am I here?
Why am I suffering?
Sentience & Consciousness is required to know oneself.
Consciousness comes from a tree, with no brain.
Consciousness does not come from the brain.
When the body and brain dies, we don’t die.
Consciousness is beyond matter, space and time.
Consciousness is a far richer tool, than we can ever produce.
We can explore the invisible universe.
When you understand who you are, you want to to work together.
The purpose of life is the survival of the fittest. The fittest one is the one who survives.
It impedes us to work together.
Competition vs Cooperation
Transhumanism – Transfer your consciousness to a computer.
AI cannot be better than us, because creativity is non-algorithmic.
AI does not have consciousness and understanding.
Quantum information is the representation of inner experience.
The collapse of the wave function is the representation of the free-will.
Purpose is the correct cause
Debt creates demand for the currency, therefore private banks create more money than government printing.
Taxation creates demand for the currency.
Taxation removes money from the economy.
Currency is sovereignty.
Government debt is not a problem, as long the debt is it’s own currency.
Reductionism explains big processes by understanding it’s parts.
Complex systems require understanding at the system level, not the gene level.
More than one mechanism to achieve what it needs to.
The purpose of the individual molecules and genes can only come from understanding the whole.
God lives in another domain, the processing domain.
Time and space is the display.
Quantum Physics
What scientists call a particle, is only a representation of a
We cannot explain consciousness with mathematics, because mathematics is created by consciousness.
You can derive quantum physics from quantum information.
Arrangements of quantum bits.
A Qbit or quantum bit implies an infinity of states.
In any direction that you measure it, you get zero one.
If you disturb it you measure all you can find
You don’t get zero one repeatedly.
Quantum physics does not tell you what the next state is,
Everyone of us is a field including:
- The observer
- The observed
- The actor
The basic unit of society was the family with the man as the public facing representative.
Same roles
Dual income household
Home ownership – Mortgage Debt
Nuclear families. Non-extended families.
Not many children.
Not equality, but sameness.
Kids taken care by the state.
They teach the LGBT stuff in schools.
Nuclear family Monogamy is a very new and modern idea.
Mutual dependence
Urbanization is very new
Spouses are less dependent on each other.
More easily separably.
Siblings are all separate.
Children are more independent from the parents.
Life of leisure – Dependent on others to do every small thing
Community thinking and living
We need people with all types of skills.
Men and women had separate spaces.
Modern spaces are problematic.
Relationships are good.
We have mentors.
We have balance.
Planning to fail
Get your education, in case.
Mahr is sky high, in case.
America is the defender of Judeo-Christian Values
Colonialism is the result of liberalism.
Liberalism brought more violence, more inequality, less freedom.
Muslims are not liberal, we don’t believe in Individual Rights and Individual Freedom.
It’s not a civilizational conflict, it is a conflict between truth and falsehood.
Islam solves the problems that liberalism tries to solve, without all the drawbacks.
Imam Ali (RA) said “Truth is not known by men. Men are known by truth.”
People see the world, the way they are mythologized.
If you can win the language battle, you will win hearts and minds.
You cannot dismantle the masters house with the masters tools.
We are not outfunded, we are out-organized.
First they destroy the credibility, then you can be attacked, without recourse.
*The three types of Sufi Warriorism*
The use of warranted or obligatory physical force, when faced with existential threats, violations of Muslim rights and Islamic injunctions.
*Protagonist Sufi Warriorism*
- The objective was to subdue Non-Muslim powers under the flag of Islam.
- Sufis were present in almost all the Ottoman battles.
- Muslims are not aggressors. Before he went to war with Umar Ra said “I wish that we could build a wall between us and the Persians. We are not interested in the Persian ideology.” But the Persians threatened and violated Muslim territory.
*Protectionist Sufi Warriorism*
- Aimed at preserving the status quo
- Preserving the way of life threatened by new systems infiltrating into the heart of Muslim societies.
*Purist Sufi Warriorism*
- Demands the restoration of pure Islam. Rejects all forms of innovation.
- Ibrahim Al-Qurani was a Kurdish Muhaddith Sufi
- Admirer & Defender of Ibn Taymiyah
- Concerned with the waywardness of the Sufi’s who don’t take their concepts from Quran and Sunnah.
- Concerned with the revival of the Sunnah
- Shah Waliullah was a well-known writer
- He fought against the practice of cock-fighting
- He fought against the eating of intoxicating kurt gum.
- Ahmedu Bamba was a Senegalese leader colonized by the French
- Preached a form of peaceful Warriorism.
- He said “Don’t fight the French”
- Disassociate from them, become independent from them.
WEF – Fourth Industrial Revolution
Globalization 4.0: Integration
Globalism: Liberal economic agenda
AI + Communications
AI + Education
Global Imbalances
Disruptive innovation of every country.
Intellectual property
Gender parity, in its simplest form, is about having a 50/50 representation of men and women (or boys and girls) in a specific area, such as education, employment, or political participation
Migration takes away their cultural identity.
Don’t be sad and feel weak
The sufi can change himself to effect the world.
Islam is the balance, justice and
There is a division of the salafi and the sufi, traditionalist and the reformist.
They believe that their group is the divine group.
You response to the weaknesses of man and the realities of life, will define you and make you.
Islam is our moral compass, and the guide for the meaning part of life.
A renewed narrative of Islam
The ideas are coming from the Universities.
Ulema have to be present and engage University narratives, the youth and people on social media.
Free Will
You are the sum of all the choices you made in life.
Everytime you are present, ignoring the voices in your head, you build new pathways in your brain.
Hold yourself accountable for your thoughts and actions.
Use entertainment to bring people to Allah.
Women who work closely together will synchronize there menstual periods within 3 months.
Right eye to left eye contact creates and emotional resonance loop.
Physical interactions create trust and bond.
Bath, warmth, hugs, share emotional experiences.
Spending time in nature. All human beings love nature.
Having a purpose that makes life worth living.
Having creative activity weekly.
Meet new people, have new conversations.
Leadership stress affects everyone.
Stress causes belly fat.
Stress causes mood changes.
Reduce Cortosol leaking.
Exercise, speaking to someone and journaling can clear up the Corozal out of your systems.
Islam had guidelines on what you need to cover and not how to cover it.
Historically, it integrated into every culture around the world, and produced a new local culture.
We have to allow Islam to produce a local culture here.
If we think that it is only reproducing cultural forms from Arabia and the subcontinent, then we are not allowing Islam to do the work that it needs to do and it will always be perceived as a foreign religion and it will never be considered an option for the average Englihshman or Englishwomen to take on themselves.
Diversity is an enriching factor
These things are socio-historical constructions, they are fluid.
The whole movie, and you only want to focus on one picture.
The real threat to eliminating their culture.
McDonalds, Coca-Cola. They have undermined your sense of relationships and love should be.
They have normalized indecency and promiscuity.
That’s what threatening your culture. and viability.
The left wants to conscript us and make us fodder for that criticism.
Imposed upon us, minority rights.
Resist the imposition of different cultures.
Has to be an exchange.
People don’t have a culture because of globalization.
Understand and be conscious of the laws to understand the truth.
Colonialism and displacement is the order of the day
Sudan, Kashmir, Palestine
Christians hid behind the anti-rationalism in order to paper over the contradictions of it’s theological program.
Christianity became the dominant
If you haven’t squashed that Morality in your fitra.
Christianity believes that the bible was inspired to Jesus and the disciples.
Muslims believe that the Quran is literally the word of God.
I know what I don’t know
Their is a whole realm of the unseen, that we are unaware of.
Only revelation can give us that information.
Rationalism is used in understanding the various verses of the Quran.
In Christian Europe, they were burning scientists by the stake.
In Islam, the scientists were scholars.
This is a civilizational difference.
The attitude toward rationality by what these civilizations produced.
We are emotional, before rational, therefore human being have an enormous potential for prejudice and delusion.
Are you committed to your prejudice
Are you committed to understanding it, or are you committed to your prejudice?
Women are not the same as men ontologically, nor teleologically.
We invite people to understand this.
Is it just outmodedness or old-fashioned?
The other side of the equal rights argument
The women was videoing men who were not offering her a seat. He asked her? Are you pregnant? Do you believe in equality?
Their is something about Islam that vast majority of Western people accepting Islam are women.
Everyone will be improved by Islam. Islam will only refine you further.
There is good in other
There are people that are moral and trustworthy and have a sense of sacrifice.
Islam is a process. Yes
Their are many who are still correcting themselves.
Engage and journey
But I am still going to have these ideas that contradict Islam.
Must be an openness to challenging oneself.
We can’t be hasty and throw people out.
Islam is more about Truth than it is about a tribe.
The creator will judge you based on your intentions.
Someone’s effort to align with Islam, may be of value to Allah.
Everyone is effected by ideology. Their are many ideologies at play.
Nationalism and tribalism become blameworthy, when you choose your tribe over truth.
Open to healthy critique
Choosing the way of Truth always has to come over supporting your tribe brindly.
Experiencing oppression on a communal level, does not give you a license to commit harm on an individual level or national level.
Moses is called over to get involved in a fight, and he supports his tribesman and he delivers a fatal blow to the outsider.
Marxism is a reaction to Christian Capitalism.
The anthropology
The metaphysics are the same.
The idea of only consuming what you need
The idea of public goods
The idea of the commons
The idea of the balance between private property and collective rights
The idea of public goods.
Man-made ideologies are extreme
Hyper-capitalism that the individual can own anything, destroy it if he wants, monopoly if he want, slavery if he wants.
Whatever he can get away with.
Islam has limits to what can be commodified.
Capitalism and Marxism are two ideologies made up of multiple components. One does not have to accept all of it’s components.
Marxism is over-reaction to that
It has an atheistic foundation.
Abolish private property
Ensure absolute equality in terms of equal outcomes for everyone.
We do not broadly paint swathes of people as the oppressed class and the oppressor class.
It is simplistic, inaccurate and it invalidates human agency,
Roadmap for Liberation
1. Dua
2. Learning the religious importance.
3. Expose the real face of Zionism.
4. Activism
Preparing for the road to Liberation
Self-Discipline is what is lacking today.
Islam is the only religion that can verify that the it’s text is the same as was preached by it’s Leader.
Many Prophets before Christianity, were required to preach Trinity.
The nature of reality can’t change.
We can’t belief the Christian account of Prophethood ends with the son of God.
There are things that must have logical consistency.
How can God come to earth to die?
Everyone worships something.
The core of worship is obedience.
Even an atheist obeys something.
What do you obey? The urges of your body, your ego, nationalism, pleasing other people.
The mission of Islam is to take people from obeying anything else, to obeying the creator.
Nature acts only for functional reasons.
The way that birds sing goes far beyond function.
The geography of the Quran
A third of the Quran are stories of the prophets.
Rasoolullah SAW connected the sahabah to Bayt Al Maqdis spiritually.
Our life is based on politics.
When the sahabah are being persecuted, it discusses international politics.
Islam is an international religion.
Follow the politics actively.
Intellectual ability before physical ability.
- Idealistic, belongs in the seminar room, not in the real world.
- The idea of Islamic Unity contradicts the idea of Human Rights and Human unity
- The idea that the Shariah is too good for the real world – Idealistic
- Human being are too divisive
- More likely to be driven by nationalism or ethnicity.
- Separate the question of God, Truth and Purpose, because it is too divisive.
- Once you start separation, you can’t put it back together.
Modernity cannot be compared to the complexity and resilience of Islam
The separation of is from ought.
Separation of Truth, God and purpose from Reality and Life.
Aspire to the religion of human rights
Liberal theorists are in consensus human rights is a belief.
Levitating, groundless ethics are open to abuse.
After modernity has lost it’s self-confidence, with no foundation from l
Empirically, through observation, all men are not equal.
All men are equal, is therefore a religious belief.
Only the winners of World Wars 1 and 2, can use human rights as a hammer against the world.
Narrow solidarities
If you are a materialist, their is no purpose to suffering.
They would do anything to prevent suffering.
A believers suffering has purpose.
They gave Iraq to Iran, so it can become a pawn in their hands.
US tricked Ukraine by offering them Democracy, in order to use them in their geopolitical game.
Americans want to see a weaker Europe, Russia and China.
The Europeans need to unify.
America and China are united.
The Europeans are known to constantly fight amongst each other.
Their is only one way for strength – Integration and unification.
What unifies people is an idea.
Russia understood the that the war game is all about supply chain and economics.
Putin wants to end the war, he took his piece of Ukraine already.
Khilafah requires territory and there is no land on earth that does not belong to a nation state. So, khilafah will first have to replace a nation state, before growing further. And may even be known by the name of the nation state until it expands.
We need an Islamic Values based international organization that will unite with any nation willing to live by those values.
Oligarchic System
Merit becomes worthless.
Economic inequality reinforces political inequality.
They shape laws to serve their interests, taxes that benefit the wealthy.
Saying that they are Maintaining economic stability or protecting property rights.
Personal gain takes priority over the common good.
Oligarchic system
Revolving door between corporations and government
Restricts political participation to the rich or those supported by the rich.
Prioritizes the interests of the wealthy few over the common good.
Inherently unstable
Oligarchic regimes primarily fall due to revolt.
Shared sense of identity or common purpose.
The most significant threat to oligachies
A small group within the oligarchy tries to monopolize all departments of power.
The significant threat to oligarchies comes from state sanctioned oppression.
The constant tension between the rich and the poor creates a powder-keg of social unrest.
The role of populous leaders capitalize on peoples discontent by offering reforms.
The children of the wealthy become degenerate and weak.
The children of the poor become strong and hardenned.
Ultimately, you have to face your creator.
Transformational knowledge only comes from Quran.
Transactional knowledge is MBAs, Doctors, Lawyers.
We know what we don’t want, but we don’t know what we don’t want
Muslims are Islam’s worsts enemies.
None of this is a battle between nations
It is a negotiation between elites.
Tariffs will not make America great again.
When the US was engaged in genuine production and competition.
America’s economic landscape has been financialized.
Wealth is produced by systemic extraction of real estate, finance and technology monopolies.
Transformed public goods into profit generating assets, with no structural benefit to the working class.
Drive up consumer prices, providing no tangible benefit to the working class.
They profit from artificial scarcity and monopolies.
Through economic reforms that moves towards de-financialization.
Politicians are elected to take the blame. They are elected to get voted out.
Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason.
It’s all about values
Governments, private sector, universities, athletes.
We can learn from thinking like a government that controls territory.
Give women jobs. Social protection.
Rural people spend less because of a lack of social protection.
China’s system
It’s a political economy model.
Political Centralization
Extreme Economic Decentralizaion
Top level decisions are implemented all over China.
Americans choose Freedom over Security.
The rest of the world choose Security and Freedom.
Support the EFF
Full transformation
Progressive Economic policy
Clear set of of empowerment and restitution policies.
Implement them.
the restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner.
White supremacist apartheid attitude
The policies for equality and justice is oppression.
Not prepared:
to make adjustments to their lifestyle.
to accept restitution.
Address the disinformation.
Have conversations.
Bully and billionaire sidekick.
Why would people who love this country, and are patriotic, are inviting a
Racism ingrained in them. They do not see themselves
South Africa, justice and reconciliation based on justice.
We will not be intimidated by Donald Trump, nor Elon Musk and Apartheid Israel.
Because of Israel and the ICJ case, they are targetting South Africa.
Understanding politics
The local context must be understood in relation to it’s the regional context and the global context.
There are global superpowers competing.
Proxy States
Satellite States
Iran’e safest path – Negotiation that Iran becomes a good citizen that allies with the US against China.
- Iranian nuclear program
- The transfer of the Palestinians from Gaza.
- The two-state solution
- The role of Hamas in post-Gaza Palestinians state.
Waqf system funds independent Islamic scholarship institutions.
The ulema and scholars have the sovereignty to impose or depose the khaliph.
The Secular Self values
Bodily integrity – It being whole
Autonomy – Did you choose it or not?
Hijab – If you chose it, then it is acceptable ?
Autonomy has to be first approved by the state to recognize and enable your autonomy.
How secularism redefined religion, the subject of religion, law and the subject of law?
The essential self, the real self is the political self, everything else is options.
You have to relate through politics and through the nation state.
The spiritual self and it’s belief and practices are optional.
Imminent frame
The redefinition of law
The separation of law from ethics
The state no longer cares about ethics and morality, whether you are a good or bad person, just follow the law or go to jail.
Ethics deals with what should be. Why?
Law deals with what is.
State decides where to draw the line between public and private.
State decides what’s religion and what’s not.
Socially constructing the idea of what is good.
Dramatic shifts in the idea of what is good.
No shared text and no shared language.
Smuggle in the ideas of their catch phrases.
We are in the era of slogans
Religion intruding on law, implies that religion is an extra, and man-made law is essential.
Public Sphere
The public sphere is supposed to be an open access area of co-creation.
Who gets to speak, how long they get to speak for?
Whose shaping the questions that get asked.
Very little substance, because the terms of the debate can happen within a tiny Overton window.
ChatGPT says that Islam is the most rational religion, with Monotheism being the most rational conception of God.
Islam is conducive to more harmony than any other religion.
Islam means peace and seeks to achieve peace where possible.
Prohibits aggression.
The Quran establishes justice as a foundation for harmony.
All of the Islamic Legal Systems were pluralist systems.
- Demur System
- Andalusia
- Ottoman Millet System
The Muslims are the best Ummah for humanity, because you enjoin right and enjoining what’s rights.
Only they have the right to control money creation, because they are the most responsible.
Prophet Muhammed SAW was sent to all of humanity.
According to the Bible, Jesus was sent only to the Israelites.
Western Cape is a province of privelege
Keep you fighting each other while protecting white monopoly capital.
The solution is economic justice.
They fear unity, because unity is strength.
Don’t let anyone divide us, stay united, stay strong.
The Hague Group
An intellectual inversion of reality
The Atheists are liars
Man cannot make anything out of nothing.
Ignorance cannot bring about knowledge.
Non-existence cannot bring existence.
Anarchy cannot bring about order.
Belief in evolution is the belief in the selfish gene.
Human beings have a dual nature. We are competitive by nature and relieving the suffering of others.
It has preciousness, appetite, balance.
Food preserves our bodies.
Sexuality preserves our species.
Extremes cause diseases to brought upon themselves.
Anger protects us from harm.
Aqliyah should rule, not the appetites and anger.
Envy, the appetite for more.
Shared foreign policy
Parasitic relationship with the West
Winning the game
Don’t play the game.
The game is rigged to the side of the rich.
You need to ally with other poor players, in order to win.
You need to be very compassionate and love each other.
The group is better
The group is better, than sectarianism with it’s purity.
Please who hate are not people who can unite.
People who can’t unite, cannot be powerful.
Allah loves unity through diversity like His attributes
The essence is the manifestation of His attributes.
BRICS & OIC & African Union Summit
You have a God-given identity at birth and our identity changes as we learn.
We learn new ideas and ideologies from our interaction with people in our environment.
Without banks, who starts a loan to start a business.
Cut off the oil flow
Suratul Muzammil
From Idealistic to Realistic
Pursuing Allah’s favour in business and people fighting in the path of Allah.
Best Fighting in the path of Allah
and second Pursuing the favour of Allah (making money to be generous)
They see the world as the West vs the World.
The peace they are talking about is peace plus injustice.
It is a world where peace is
Believe as the people have believed.
The chessboard
Each block on the chessboard is a sector in the global economy.
Each piece is a nation.
Many nations often lack the financial resilience to .
The sudden loss of a major trading partner can lead to unemployment, social unrest and a decline in living standards.
The Chinese-American trade war is affecting the entire global economy.
Show them what Islam is.
Poverty of the soul is worse than the poverty of the body.
American economy is dependant on the world.
The Islamic position is assertive, not defensive.
The purpose of revelation and truth is justice.
The antidote for defeatism and hopelessness is objectivity and rationality.
America’s false power
To believe that America is too big and powerful.
Their main weapon, is propaganda.
American never won global dominance through strategy or innovation.
They inherited it by
Supposedly recused the world from Fascism.
Force other nations to hold their currency
Permanent state of dependance on the Dollar.
The absence of alternatives.
They only win when their is not competition and alternatives.
We have economic weapons, that we are afraid to use on the West.
Today, their are alternatives. Dependency on American markets and investment is a choice.
They expect you to always remain subordinate.
The truth of power, is that it must be met with power.
American power is upheld by coercion
Through coercion, they ensured that all oil is sold in Dollars.
The world had to keep Dollars in reserves in order to buy oil.
The world had to also trade with America if they had access reserves.
It is OPEC and international organizations that deliver Western benefits.
Their are always complaint nations that support the hegemony.
They maintain their position by preventing alternatives from emerging
As soon as regional powers emerge, America just becomes a regional power.
American supremacy is over
It is time for the world to reclaim their sovereignty.
Resisting Washington means financial ruin
Military bases
They will frame it as stability.
They are there to protect the interests of Western corporations.
Alternative financial systems are rising
Reward for the criminal
Being brought to justice and public shaming
The purpose of truth is justice.
My categories of life
Ideology and strategy is first.
The ultimate goal of all
News is after the fact, results. Ideology biases news.
Truth does not need censorship and algorithmic support.
The difference between Islam and Capitalism, is that under Islam, we all win. Under capitalism, some have to lose.
The discussion on Islam, Capitalism, Communism, Individualism, as a solution.
Multilateralism refers to the practice of coordinating national policies in groups of three or more states, through ad hoc arrangements or by means of institutions.
It seems like you might be referring to “multilateralism,” which is a term used in international relations. Multilateralism refers to the practice of coordinating national policies in groups of three or more states, through ad hoc arrangements or by means of institutions. This approach is often contrasted with unilateralism, where a single state acts independently, or bilateralism, which involves agreements or interactions between two states.
Multilateralism is characterized by principles of diffuse reciprocity and a system of dispute resolution intended to enforce a particular mode of behavior. It is often seen in the context of international organizations, such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and others, where multiple countries come together to address issues that transcend national boundaries, such as climate change, trade, security, and human rights.
The concept emphasizes the importance of international norms and laws, and the idea that global challenges are best addressed through collective action and cooperation among nations. Multilateralism has been a cornerstone of international relations since the end of World War II, particularly with the establishment of the United Nations and the Bretton Woods institutions.
The matrix juxtoposed to the real world.
Always unity is mentioned in Quran with power
Allah refers to us as the believers or the ummah, not individuals. Fiqh also
Struggle will bring some peace, but Complete peace is only in Jannah.
Haraam is harmful
Gender theory vs biology
They deny the innate nobility and dignity of human beings. Darwinian thinking.
Politicians not funded by Jews / Banks, and unite them.
The companions conquered Rome and Persia. They are still upset
Syria’s foreign minister urges US to lift sanctions during visit to Qatar
Living identities given to us by our rulers.
We could have international institutions which are more stronger, transparent and responsible.
They say they apply tariffs on imports to protect jobs.
the value of time and money in islam
IMF Structural Adjustment Programs, forced Africa to
Float Currencies
Remove essential subsidies
Privatize state companies
Open markets to unfair competition
Attack the oligarchy
Tax the corporations
1. Incentivises them to spend on people instead of the government.
2. Incentivizes behaviour and more productive outcomes
3. Incentivises research and development.
Food, energy, tech sovereignty
Material Progress => Human Development Greed => Generosity. Competition => Cooperation Individualism + Hedonism => Social Responsibility.
Markets and economies are governed by rules set by governments. And big corporations in the West.
Economics is a social science, not a physical science
They are wealthy because of the rules of the game and not hard work.
Political donations are not free speech but legalized bribery. Political parties have become giant fund raising machines. They use the money to get elected and reelected
The free market is not fair. Each change in laws has made the rich richer and the poor poorer. Banckrupcy and bailouts favour the corporations, but not the workers.
International trade is good for everyone. Global trade is not natural, it is structured by rules decided which assets will be protected and which will not.
Trade deals protect the West from local laws.
Taxing the rich is socialism. The rich are on corporate welfare programs and the poor get pink slips. Government spending is used on the wealthy instead of the poor.
Corporates need tax cuts and profits to create jobs. Jobs are created by spreading the wealth and more middle class people spending money on goods and services, creating more demand for goods and services amd thus creating jobs.
Unions are getting smaller and weaker. We need stronger unions that can bargain for higher paying jobs.
Inflation is caused by too much government spending and wage increases. Many industries are monopolized – Meat, Airlines, pharmaceuticals, groceries. We need more competition. The government raises interest rates and that kills jobs. Break up monopolies with laws.
Unconditional growth is good. Treat the earth like everything else, a limited resource. Target sustainable rather than growth.
Life expectancy has dropped for the poor, because income and wealth has a direct effect on health and longevity. They suffer from economic stress and have taken to opioids.
Russia, Iran sanctions
Exploit the rules of the system for their own gain
Poverty and inequality
Justice, General Welfare
Campaign Financing
Democracy preserves the deep state.
Islam is not a religion, it is a political, social, system of justice. National religion unifies and an individualistic vision.