What changes in Islam and what doesn’t
Qiyas is a secondary source of Islam.
Marketing Funnel
- Awareness
- Consideration
- Trust & Commitment
- Purchase
Google Marketing
- Trigger
- Exploration & Evaluation (Value & Adventure)
- Videos
- Podcasts
- Online Assessment
- Free Trial
- Join discussion group
- Trigger for purchase intent
5 Ps
- Pitch – Get people excited about something
- Publishing content on Linked In.
- Product Ecosystem
- Media
- Data
- Software
- Scalable Products
- Productize services
- Profile
- Social Media Platforms
- Win some awards
- Traditional Media
- Partnerships
- Capital
- Distribution Partner for Sales
- Product Partner for Packaging Products
Don’t need to be an influencer, be a key person of influence
- People don’t like self promotion
- Here’s the problem as I see it.
- Here’s the solution
- Influencers are entertainers, not thought leaders directing serious spend.
- Every industry has 1000 micro-niches
- Every micro-niches needs a key person of influence or two.
Environments dictate performance.
Bell curve opportunities – No doctors are making a million a month. Skilled Labour.
Power Law opportunities – Leverage means we can grow exponentially. Intellectual Property. Leverage technology.
Some people income was linked to capitalism, some to feudalism.
Ibn Al-Haytham developed the scientific method, hundreds of years before Sir Francis Bacon.
Ibn Al-Haytham developed the calculus, hundreds of years before Isaac Newton.
The fundamental technology has changed
We live in a digital world now, where you can hire anyone in the world, pay anyone in the world.
You can create a company very easy.
After 10 years, your business will grow exponentially thereafer.
When the tractors came onto the farm, the people we worried about their jobs, because everyone was working on farms.
Factories are way more productive than the factory.
In the industrial age you get some education, then you sell that in the market.
In the digital age, you position your brand next to an elegant business model.
The school system teaches you an old set of rules. It prepares you for a world that does not exist.
Many jobs can be done by AI.
Personal brands grow larger than institutions.
Become a celebrity, one way relationships, at scale.
Internet has given individuals access to general purpose tools which were only available to corporations.
Individual brands are now much more empowered and less corporate brands.
CEO has to become human and become an authority.
Work you way up the podcast pyramid. Youtube, etc.
Publishing means putting your idea in the public domain.
Communication frameworks
Same: Basics
Fame: What makes you interesting? Any bigs names, awards.
Aim: Next 90 days
Game: Vision for next 5 years.
New rules
- The entrepreneur needs 5000 to 10000 followers on social media.
- Small team of less than 12 people.
The brain remembers
- Scary
- Strange
- Sexy
- Free Value
7-11-4 relationship
- 7 Hours
- 11 Interactions
- 4 Locations
Customer needs analysis
- Landing page for customer needs analysis
- 10 variations of a facebook ad
- Click to join the waiting list, with questions.
- Situational Model
- Where am I now?
- Where do you want to be?
- Whats in the way?
- Whats the reason you were not able to get that outcome in the past.
- Price
- What price would be so cheap that you would question the quality?
- What price would be so expensive that you would not be able to afford this?
- Situational Model
- Marketing Campaign
- Cost per lead
- Quality of leads
- How many leads give us the ideal customer?
- 600 customers
- Fast prototyping and research to get the data.
- Start a discussion group
- Whatsapp group – fill in the form
- Assessment to identify the best product for the client.
- Hyper personalized
- Specific to the customers needs
- Business Model
- Make products for the top 10%, who have 60% of the budget
- Give free value for the bottom 90%
Software – AI Applications
Financial Assets – Sell the company
The Demo must show
- The path of least resistance between the current reality and the desired reality.