The Dawah to the leaders of Tribes, was a dawah of Khilafah, in secret.
After establishment of Khilafah, the Dawah to the citizens of Madina was a dawah to personal Islam.
No ?
Natural Law
Natural law is a philosophical theory that states that humans have inherent moral values, rights, and responsibilities that are universal and not based on culture or customs. It is based on the idea that humans are born with a moral compass that guides their behaviors and distinguishes right from wrong.
Systemic change starts with attitudes and behavior
The program is the agenda, the vision, the programme.
Disagreement is healthy.
A solution can come out from a disagreement, if people understand the greater goals of Islam.
Everyone is equal in from of the law
Put institutions at work.
Justice System was weaponized and used to repress, instead of to serve the people.
Strong institutions to fight correuption.
Put transparency in the management of public funds.
Anybody who misappropriates public funds, will be held accountable.
Agriculture – Job provider, water management, irrigation programme
Natural Resources – To benefit the Senegalese first
Sanctions Basics
• Sanctions restrict trade in some way
– Broadly (Cuba)
– Narrowly (Russia)
• Aimed to win some policy concession
– Often unrelated to the sanctions
• More effective with more sanctioners
– But harder to keep everyone together
• Have become more popular over time
A Pull up for
They want us to believe that we cannot run the country, without them
Justice (Balance & Moderation) in this world of Dualities
The Qurʾan points to the path of moderation between extremes
“Surely Allah does not do injustice to the weight of an atom, and if it is a good deed He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward.” (Surah Nisa: 40)
“We have already sent Our messengers with clear evidences and sent down with them the Scripture and the balance that the people may maintain [their affairs] in justice. And We sent down iron, wherein is great military might and benefits for the people, and so that Allah may make evident those who support Him and His messengers unseen. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.” [Quran 57:25]
Allah is reminding us that He has provided the messengers with iron to go along with the guidance and the command to establish justice. Man has known, for untold centuries, that he cannot institute justice in almost any walk of life, or protect justice whenever needed, without the power of iron. The concept of the supremacy of justice in Islam demands that all decision making and their enforcement at whatever level be measured in terms of justice and fairness, as justice is regarded as the highest value in humanity. Therefore, arguments based on other theories will not be able to defeat or dilute the predominance or supremacy of justice. Furthermore, the concept of the supremacy of justice could not be defeated or overtaken by any subject or any area, whether, in civil laws or criminal laws, fundamental rights or constitutional laws, substantial or procedural/adjective, national or international laws, as justice must overtake all human notions, including all supporting theories, philosophies, ideologies, values, and all other types of policies. The Quran precisely accentuates this position as it declares that the fundamental purpose of Allah’s messengers’ missions on this earth is to establish justice. Establish Islam and justice over people in society in order to protect the good amongst them from the evil amongst them.
- the empirical and the metaphysical (2:3-4)
- revelation and reason (4:82; 38:29)
- conjecture and gullibility (2:111),
- physicalism and pantheism (3:191-190),
- atheism and polytheism (25:3),
- determinism and fatalism (13:11),
- idealism and realism (91:7-10),
- individualism and communalism (3:104),
- materialism and spiritualism (28:77),
- stagnation and haste, the vociferate and the mute (31:19),
- prohibition and permission (16:116; 5:87),
- jurisprudence and asceticism (chap. 107),
- polygamy and celibacy (4:3),
- exaggeration and underestimation (4:171),
- indulgence and abstinence (7:31-32),
- extravagance and miserliness (25:67),
- cowardice and aggression (2:190)
Our Philosophy
Human beings are weak,
Divine Values vs Human values.
Allah values all new born human-beings equally, as having the potential for great good and great evil.
God is The Most Compassionate, The Most Forgiving and The Most Merciful.
Humans devoid of Allah, tend to value their tribes and families.
God-given rights
Human greed systems
Our Identity & Culture
Every human being has a right to live as he has chosen.
But if you choose a way of life that is founded upon Material Values over Divine Values, then Justice will have to be enforced, regardless of your religion.
Our Territory
Every human being has a right to a piece of the earth.
Our animals are under our protection.
Our Responsibility
To gather Shuhada
To gather financial support
The leaders are supposed to mobilize the people, not the other way around.
But we need to give them dawah.
Our History
Our Prophecies
Our Technology
Our Friends
Our Enemies
Highly predictable
Capitalists – Theft of Natural Resources & Profit from
The Natural Universe was created in balance
“And the heaven He raised and imposed the balance. That you not transgress within the balance. And establish weight in justice and do not make deficient the balance.” [Quran 55:7-9]
- Allah’s system is fixed
- Nature, humans, animals, plants, flora, and fauna have already been determined and perfectly balanced.
- Human life is dynamic, interacting with Allah’s system
- Dynamic, progressive, and constructive, so the problems in life are increasingly complex.
- Man is not outside nature
- God is the creator of the universe and the creator of man. The same God is also the organizer of the universe, of human life and of human relationship to the universe. Man is a part of the universe, the laws which govern human nature are no different from the laws governing the universe. Earth has been created and designed for the purpose of testing human beings.
- The Sciences help humans solve physical problems
- Science is observational knowledge which includes measures, laws of causality, and the principle of order that can be studied and researched.
- Allah created attributes in objects
- For example, He created in fire the attribute of burning, in wood the attribute of catching fire, and in the blade the attribute of cutting. He made the attributes indispensable in objects according to the law of the universe such that they do not change.
- Allah created instincts and organic needs in man
- These attributes have the capacity for man to perform by means of utilising them an action either according to the commands of Allah and thus it is good, or contradicting His commands and thus it is bad.
Justice to the Creator
- Faith and Belief: Central to a Muslim’s identity is the belief in the Oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him). The core tenets of faith (articles of faith) include belief in Allah, His angels, His books, His prophets, the Day of Judgment, and divine decree.
- Worship and Practice: Rituals like the five daily prayers, fasting in Ramadan, giving zakat (alms), and performing Hajj (pilgrimage) reinforce this identity and connection to the Creator.
Justice to the Family
- Marriage (Nikah): Islam encourages marriage as a means to maintain chastity and establish a pious family.
- Maintenance and Support: The husband is responsible for the financial support of his wife and children.
- Upbringing of Children: Parents have the duty to raise their children with proper Islamic education and morals.
- Respect and Kindness: Treating family members, especially parents and the elderly, with respect and kindness.
- Marital Rights: Both spouses have rights upon each other, including mutual respect, love, and fulfillment of physical needs.
- Inheritance: Islam has precise guidelines on the distribution of inheritance among family members.
- Seeking Knowledge: Parents should ensure the education of their children, both in religious and worldly subjects.
Justice to Society
- Brotherhood and Community: The concept of Ummah, or global Muslim community, is significant. A Muslim is part of a broader brotherhood and sisterhood, transcending racial, ethnic, and national boundaries.
- Service and Contribution: Muslims are encouraged to contribute positively to society, be it through charity, knowledge, or other beneficial deeds. Interactions with non-Muslims should be based on understanding, kindness, and justice.
- Representation and Role Modeling: Living Islam authentically and representing its teachings accurately is essential, especially in diverse societies where misconceptions might exist.
“Had Allah willed He could have made you one community. But that He may try you by that which He hath given you. So vie one with another in good works. Unto Allah ye will all return, and He will then inform you of that wherein ye differ.” [5:48]
The reason for different Laws
(2) One of these reasons is to test people whether they obey or not what is given to them by Allah. Those people, who understand the real nature and spirit of the Divine Way and the position of the regulations in it and are not prejudiced, will recognize and accept the Truth in whatever form it comes. Such people will never hesitate to submit to the new regulations sent by Allah to replace the former ones. Those, who do not understand the true spirit of the Way, but consider the regulations and their details alone to be the Way, and who have become static and prejudiced because of their own additions to it, will reject every new thing that comes from Allah.
(3) As the real object of all the laws is the cultivation of virtues, Allah has commanded the people to excel one another in virtues, without paying heed to the apparent differences in different Laws. This is why those people, who keep in view the real aim of the Law, should advance towards it on the lines indicated by the Divine Laws and regulations.
(4) As regards the differences, which have been produced by the prejudices, obduracies and wrong mental attitudes, these can neither be resolved in polemical symposiums nor on the battlefield, but will be decided by Allah Himself in His Final Judgment. Then the Reality will be revealed and the people will come to know the amount of truth or falsehood that lay hidden in the arguments in which they were engaged throughout their lives.From here the same subject has been resumed that was interrupted by the parenthesis.The word Jahiliyyat (ignorance) is the antonym of Islam. The way of Islam is entirely based on the knowledge imparted by Allah Who possesses the knowledge of all realities. On the contrary, every way different from and opposed to the way of Islam is the way of ignorance. The pre-Islamic period of Arabia is called the period of ignorance in the sense that the people had invented their own ways of life that were based on mere guess-work or lusts. Therefore whenever any of these ways will be adopted, that period will be called the period of “ignorance”. Likewise the knowledge which is imparted in Schools and Universities today is only a partial knowledge end cannot in any way suffice for the right guidance of mankind.
A good example is a good alternative
Start moving the world towards good, healthy, Islamic alternatives.
The action vs the intention
Competition for the world is dangerous
Competition for righteousness is rewarded
It is not our numbers, but the help of Allah comes to the sincere
When Allah punishes, he punishes the whole community.
When Allah rewards, he rewards the whole community.
We see it as the only solution to all our problems and the vision of what our community.
Allah’s relationship to Humanity
The Good is from Allah, the bad is from you.
Truth in God’s Revelation
- Perseverance and Long-Term Perspective
- Continued preaching despite opposition for 13 years in Makkah.
- Made pragmatic decisions like the Treaty of Hudaibiya to secure future success.
- Proactive and Aggressive Approach to Events
- Actively sought alliances and took decisive steps to expand Islam.
- Managed military and administrative matters with foresight.
Justice in God’s Revelation
- Human beings have not been given the right to rule and legislate.
Which Muslim State is independent today?
- Self-Preservation Instinct
- Valued strategic protection, as seen in his agreements for safety and meticulous emigration planning.
- Balanced caution with courage in military and political situations.
Many complimentary groups
There are many groups fulfilling the various governance aspect of the Shariah, like different government departments. The problem is when they think their department is the whole government, it brings about a secular mindset, and they reject the rest of the government.
The American Empire
The American War of Independence, also known as the American Revolutionary War, was a conflict between Great Britain and the Thirteen Colonies that led to the United States’ independence. The United States is now a founding member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Treaty of Hudaibiya
The state of the Ummah
- The people of Palestine are protecting Masjid Al-Aqsa.
- They are on the front-line of
- Allah Already Appointed a Leader for Us
- Those Appointed by the Kuffar can Never Become our Leader!
No Muslim country has sovereignty
Pragmatism vs Idealism (Ummatic)
- Pragmatism – Tempering or counterbalancing the ideal with what one (in his estimation) considers as practical or beneficial.
- The end justifies the means (A Jewish understanding)
- Destroys the sovereignty of Allah, since the individual has the authority to disregard, temper or balance the ideal when he estimates something else more useful.
- Makes the word of Allah equal to what an individual considers as practical. Every individual would probably have a different opinion as to what the best solution.
- Destroys the pursuit of the obedience to the instructions of Allah, since the individual in power will balance the ideal with what he considers as pragmatic.
- Idealism – Prescribed by Allah (in the circumstance)
- The ideals prescribed by Allah are both ideal and pragmatic. (Sometimes attainable, sometimes not)
- The obligation is that the believer always pursues the ideal, immaterial of whether it is attainable or not.
- The believer will only be held liable for his pursuit or lack thereof.
- All permissible aspects (routes, considerations, strategies etc) in the pursuit of the ideal are not necessarily prescribed in the sharee’ah.
- The believer is required to use the principles of the deen as a basis to select from the options available to him.
- For example: lying is haraam:
- A person who is threatened with his life may lie, but only in a just cause.
- He may not lie when he had murdered someone, although in both cases he is trying to preserve his life.
- Sometimes the ideal will be achieved, sometimes a compromise will be achieved and sometimes nothing will be achieved.
Lessons from the Seerah
After a number of years of inviting the Quraish to Islam, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be
upon him) began approaching Arab tribes that visited Makkah at the time of the Hajj pilgrimage. His
preaching to the Quraish had not led to mass conversions of the Quraish to the new religion. Quite the
contrary, their resistance to him had hardened over time. The Prophet therefore must have become most
interested in finding a sanctuary for himself and his small band of loyal followers away from Makkah.
Since Makkah was the religious and trading capital of Arabia, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah
be upon him) had regular opportunities to interact with other Arab tribes that visited Makkah. This was
especially true during the annual Hajj pilgrimage. The Prophet invited the visting tribes to embrace Islam.
He also visited tribes around Makkah and proclaimed his message to them. Muhammad (Peace and
Blessings of Allah be upon him) found people from Yathrib receptive to his message and was able to
build on this opening. Over a three year period, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him)
developed a large following among the Arab tribes of Yathrib and eventually migrated there with his
small band of followers. All of this would not have become possible if he had not pursued a proactiveaggressive approach to events.
From dependence to independence
Can we recognize the dignity and humanity of the people, irrespective of what their governments did for Palestine ?
We have to be fair. Just as we want Freedom, we should want it for others also.
Palestine will be liberated when all the Arab people’s are free
It is the Israeli’s that are the real prisoners
Anyone whose purpose is only this world, becomes imprisoned by it.
Battle between Truth and Falsehood.
Freedom of Speech
Over 200 Journalists killed in Gaza. Most journalists targeted and assassinated ever.
If the settler feels threatened, their law allows them to draw their gun and kill a Palestinian.
Allah is peace and only the Islamic Way of Life brings peace
Allah made man in His image
Allah loves justice
Allah does not love aggression
Why did Allah give us a purpose ?
Come together with sincerity, for our sisters and children in Gaza
Getting to our destination, requires both speed and direction.
or is the message of the Quran that direction is most important, but speed is necessary as well ?
Security & Justice
Part of an international security structure
Allah is in control
Allah will expand his light of Islam in the world
We wish to only hold the torch of Islam.
The end of Times is victory from Allah SWT.
Focus on the planner and his reward, not your plans and rewards.
Doing your best and placing you hope in Allah’s mercy.
Ways forward from a spiritual paradigm
We are obligated to learn and follow the example of our Prophet (SAW)
Being positive
Focus on the positives, grows it.
Focussing on the negatives goes nowhere.
Hate always comes from a position of lack and insecurity.
Where an individual projects their own deficiencies onto others instead of confronting them within themselves.
When you focus on someone else’s flaws or successes, you’re directing energy away from your own growth.
Instead of obsessing over others, you focus on becoming the best version of yourself.
One strong power – No room for conflict
Intense security competition.
Proxies doing the fighting.
If their are two Gods, The world will be in ruin.
There can only be only one Strong Power.
Key players in establishing international Laws and Norms
Speech is a form of act.
Words harm and words matter.
Words must be constrained and regulated.
China Communist Party determines this?
- Total polarization of society.
- Zero regard for facts.
- Abundance of information.
- Totally uncheck flow of information and speech.
- Do they make better decisions?
- Do they respect facts?
Strive for the next life, meaning supporting the frontlines of Islam, at times.
“If We had willed, We would have elevated him with Our signs, but he clung to this life—following his evil desires. His example is that of a dog: if you chase it away, it pants, and if you leave it, it ˹still˺ pants. This is the example of the people who deny Our signs. So narrate ˹to them˺ stories ˹of the past˺, so perhaps they will reflect.”
Quran 7:176
Hi goals were lowly:
- He only want immediate pleasure.
- Investments, Money.
- Example of a dog.
Christian Universality
Equally guaranteed
Christianity does not accept everybody
- When you experience pain, it is unique to you.
- When you are in pain, when you are in love, you turn away from the world.
- What unites us is that we are all struggling, we all feel pain.
- Facing social hardship.
- It took the Prophet SAW 13 years to establish Medina.
- It took the Muslims 88 years to liberate Al-Aqsa from the crusaders.
Modern version of the Ottoman Millet System
In an Islamic state, certain areas where there are predominantly certain ethnic groups, they can have their own laws and customs and ways. Druze, the Alawites, the Shia will all have there own areas, but you cannot impose your laws on the rest of the country.
Reality and appearance – not binary, but a dialectical
A universal
The only universal is difference.
Consciousness inside the Fitra of the human being
It’s our parents fault.
Blame us, blame them.
The believer decides to go astray, he becomes of those who are confused and lost.
They have hearts, but they don’t understand with them.
The mind with
Quran is Allah’s gift.
Quran is our oxygen
And surely, We have created many of the jinns and mankind for Hell. They have hearts wherewith they understand not, they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the truth). They are like cattle, nay even more astray; those! They are the heedless ones.
By investing our energies in their system, we are reaffirming their system.
Different worldview: God-centric vs human-centric
Liberalism and Capitalism is morally bankrupt. The Islamic Aqeedah,
They want equality in the area’s where we are not given a choice by Allah.
And they want equality in areas without taking into account people’s situation. Like Islam.
Majority must be given a voice. They need not be silenced in order to protect the minorities.
Nation state politics are not trustworthy and care for themselves, by their very nature.
Nation states by nature does not care for anyone beyond it’s borders.
Be happy for the Syrians and have a healthy skepticism. In some time, things will become more apparent. Whose vested interested are being played out.
Some people have drank too much of the left wing koolaid, and now its gone to their hearts.
Anti-Imperialists of convenience. Chinese, Russian, Arab Imperialism ?
Dependant on the US for trade and investment.
What is the moral basis of Turkey, Qatar and other states?
The Quran is the purpose, the Hadith is the path to the purpose. Look at the Truth in the Quran.
Left & Right Wing
Democratic party supported a right wing nation.
A subtle threat from the ideologically united institutions, to threaten liberty.
Non-divine law is oppression and they are enforcing it on the world.
Being punished for our morality.
One God, God’s Leader. God’s Vision. God’s Earth. God’s Living Creation, God’s Children, One Family. One Opportunity to compensate Him for His countless favors.
Allah gave us abundance, they give us scarcity. Their ideology is abundance for them, and scarcity for the rest.
Learn the method of Nabi SAW’s dawah
Redistribution of food, goods, property and rights.
There are no truths, vs there are many fundamental to rationality.
You have to exploit them so that their evil cannot spread around the world.
Fiqh of priorities
Tablighis follow, spread and emphasize weak and unverified hadiths.
Middle East is a source of vital resources. It controls the worlds vital waterways. Islam disrupts their ideologies.
We base our views on the strongest evidence.
We cannot trust palace scholars, paid by regimes. The ummah does not have confidence in the ijtihads of government scholars.
Syria is a kufr regime, jailing scholars, raping women, knock on the door, then you disappear.
Economic misery. Not an ijtihadi issue, when people are being oppressed.
A nation is a group of people with common language, common history, close gene pool.
Islam became the dominant religion through time, not through violence.
Iraq, Syria Egypt, Sudan & Yemen – United Arab Republic Flag. Similar Flags. Palestine / Jordan – Hashimite Damascus.