There are 2 requirements to act independently: Will and capacity.
Your focus is the will.
Our problem is the capacity.
If we identify the chains that have enslaved us, then we can plot a road to independent capacity.
The Ummah is not weak. Our disease is disunity
– We are not weak, we are suffering from the disease of disunity.
– We are ready to fight amongst ourselves to prove we are on Haqq.
– Above right and wrong is that we are brothers.
– Boycotting a Muslim for more than 3 days is haraam.
– What unites us is the main principles of Aqeedah.
– Learn how to be united with Muslims who differ in the minor issues of Aqeedah.
– The medina treaty was not authentic in isnaad, but was authentic in meaning.
– The Muslims did not fight anyone when they came to Medina when the Non-Muslims were living amongst them.
– The Muslims had a treaty of a unity with the jews to defend Madina, and they defended Madina together.
– If an injustice or fire or flood affects an area, we will all unite to stop it. Prevent evil together.
– We ask Allah to give our youth a more mature and better understanding of our deen.
Capitalism – Capital control prices by creating demand
Disunity & Difference of Opinion is the biggest test on the ummah
We are ready to fight among ourselves. I enjoy making a big noise to prove that I am on the Haqq.
Examples where the sahabah were required to differ:
- Asr – When Nabi told them to pray when the get to their destination.
- Divorcees should wait for 3 Quroo. This is not a well known Arabic word. Allah SWT chose this word purposely.
Differences are a mercy to the ummah.
Above right and wrong is the unity
This balanced approach can be summarized as
The Deontological foundation (moral principles and
duties) includes:
– Justice (adl)
– Compassion (rahma)
– Equality (musawat)
– Honesty (sidq)
– Integrity (amanah)
The Teleological orientation (future vision and
purpose) includes:
– Striving for a just and compassionate society (dar
– Working towards the betterment of humanity
– Cultivating a sense of responsibility and
stewardship (khilafah)
– Embracing the values of mercy, forgiveness, and
reconciliation (rahim)
Tie your camel.
The Murjiah
Those who separate Imaan from Action.
They focus on the ayaat of the mercy of Allah.
They commonly quote the hadith, the Prophet SAW said, “If you say Lailliha’illalah, you are a Muslim.”
Do you you believe in a part of the book and leave the rest?
Allah SWT said, “Enter Islam in it’s totality.”
Allah SWT said, “He allowed man to judge.”
Ahlul Bidah
They are confirmed Muslims.
Whether they are Ahlul Bidah or not, is you understanding.
The whole hadith has confirmed “The Muslims are brothers of one another.”
The Prophet SAW said, “Boycott the Muslim for three days, if their is a maslaha (good benefit), if their is no maslaha, don’t”
The Prophet SAW was sent as a mercy to humanity.
First Jihad is to bring the Muslims to Islam.
The second option is to offer them Jizya.
The second option is to fight them.
Let us bring the Non-Muslims to Islam.
Success is the realization of a worthy goal
Separation of religious vs worldly methods.
Totally disregard the pragmatic aspect ?
Produce Non-Excludable Non-Rival Goods
Mines, Fisheries
Surah Fatiha: Summary of the Quran
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the ‘Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
“Any God who is concerned with me, but not with you, is an idol.” ?
The Day of Justice [The middle verse]
The Only Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)
Submit yourself to Allah, so He may judge you as a good person, and grant you eternal happiness
You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each and everything).
Guide us to the Straight Way
The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians).
The beginning
The effect of actions on our being and attributes.
Thoughts work off a center. Choose your Muslim self as your center.
Choose your honest, just, gracious, loving, generous, kind, middle, balance, moderate, humble, Muslim self.
Hearts are blind. Arrogance. Learning.
Quranic Logic
Quranic Logic applied to the modern world
Life is built upon an ontological and epistemic foundation
Allah is the Truth [22:6]
- Allah is the ontological priority
- Allah is the First and the Ultimate Cause
- Allah is the creator of our reality
- The Noble and Glorious master of all that exists
- Absolutely Unique, Permanent and Everlasting
- Absolutely Strong and Powerful
- Absolutely Knowledgeable, Intelligent and Wise
- Guardianship and Support
- Justice, Reprimand and Accountability
- Mercy and Benevolence
- Allah is the epistemological priority
- The one who uses Allah as his reference point, understands reality, because the author of reality, knows it best.
- Revealed Knowledge is the foundation of all knowledge
- The Quran provides the fundamental axioms for rationality to work
- Time, causality, rationality, truth and morality are necessary axioms needed to make sense of anything.
- These concepts are all dependent on the Quran’s theocentric worldview in order to provide a meaningful and accurate account of reality.
- Creation necessitates a creator
- Knowledge of a necessary being, Allah, is axiomatic (self-evident).
- “Verily Shirk polytheism is a great injustice.” … and Tawhid (monotheism) is the best form of justice.
- If Allah exists, then our existence is not pointless, then their is a spirituality and moral purpose at the bottom of the whole of reality. He has also revealed a method to achieve this purpose, which is the religion and moral code. If Allah does not exist, then this is not the case.
Subjectivity vs Objectivity
- Radical skepticism (extreme doubt) is a choice. People can choose to doubt anything
- God skeptic: How do you know God exists? The logical conclusion to Atheism is nihilism. Nihilism is the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless. Denial of God’s existence is the greatest form of radical skepticism, because God is the source of all meaning.
- Mental-State skeptics: How do you know these thoughts are mine and not being projected on my mind?
- Reality skeptics: How do you know the world is not an illusion?
- Morality skeptics: How do you know there is such a thing as good and bad?
- Truth skeptics: How do you know there is an objective truth?
- Science skeptic: How do you know the earth is round?
- Genocide skeptics: How do you know it really happened?
- Axiomatic belief skeptics: The denial of any knowledge which is grounded within the fitra.
- Subjective Information
- Language delivers the meaning, not the reality
- Building it’s definition
- What is it? Names.
- How is it? Form & attributes
- The mind and heart get clouded by the material reality. The brain interprets sensory information based on:
- Expectations
- Appetites or Desires – Overwhelming desires
- Emotions – Triggered emotions
- Subjective reality is one-sided
- Subjectivity is from your point of view or perspective.
- Subjectivity is reliant on base rationality and physical observation.
- We need to strive to understand the objective reality.
- Objective Knowledge (Reality)
- You can browse information all day long, it is not knowledge. Your perception will be different from the reality.
- You have to continue the line of reasoning from subjectivity into the objective reality.
- Validation of information from unreliable sources, is commanded by Allah.
- Objectivity always stands in judgement of subjectivity
- Allah stands in judgement over man
- Allah is Al-Haqq, the truth. Therefore revelation is the absolute truth. Truth is eternal.
- The closer a person is to the point of revelation, the more accurate is his understanding.
- The truth is meant to bring comfort, relief, benefit.
- Truth conforms to fitra (nature).
- The Quran is a dhikr, reminder of the knowledge you were born with, that every human being knows.
- “The soul of knowledge is action, the soul of action is sincerity, and the soul of sincerity is to not even think you sincere.”
- Focus on the inward reality, not the outward form
- Look deeper – The lie is always on the surface.
- The metaphysical is the essence. It gives birth to the creation, the physical.
- Quality gives birth to quantity.
- Intentions give birth to actions.
- The body exists because it has a soul / heart / consciousness in it.
- Focus on the universals, not the particulars
- Don’t get stuck on the semantics.
- Build a universal understanding.
- Learn the universals, until you reach the ultimate universal, Allah (SWT).
- Understanding Human Nature and Resource Management:
- Identified and nurtured talent among companions, delegating tasks effectively.
- Managed people through fairness, like resolving tribal conflicts in Madina.
- Choosing a Life of Poverty:
- Opted for simplicity despite opportunities for wealth.
- His frugality reinforced his message and leadership.
- Consultation and Acceptance of Advice:
- Valued input from companions in key events like battles and negotiations.
- Demonstrated flexibility in implementing sound suggestions.
- Effective Communication:
- Used clear, consistent messaging, both oral and written.
- Leveraged letters, poets, and ambassadors to spread Islam.
- Reward Loyalty and Punish Treachery:
- Recognized loyalty with rewards, as seen after Hudaibiya.
- Addressed treachery firmly to uphold order and justice.
- Development of Followers into Leaders:
- Trained companions to take on leadership roles, ensuring continuity.
The Quran teaches us to always think in a positive way
Quran leads us to always think good of Allah and to think positively, regardless of the situation.
Critics are welcome, when they are constructive, but not when they are destructive.
Do how you feel, not what others expect you to do or would like you to do.
The Quran is Truth and the best explanation
Suratool Burooj – Genocided community – Supreme Success
Ayesha RA was accused of a sin, which she was free from.
A narrative of immense hope in the darkest hour.
Positive framing of that event. Such an empowering message in a tragedy.
Establishing Islamic identity of the Muslims
Muslims are energetic, strong, confident and just.
In the midst of Islamophobia.
Live for purpose, not whims
Spiritual Growth: Yaqaba (Awakening), Tafakkur (Thinking), Basheera (Clear understanding), Firm Will
When they find it too hard to avoid it, the decide to stop prohibiting it. They change their deen.
They see their deen as a problem.
When we do something that’s wrong, we say it’s wrong.
We know it’s wrong and we don’t pretend that it’s right.
Christmas comes from a Materialistic European Polytheistic Pagan custom.
Your actions are your character
Your thoughts lead to body language, which lead to speech, which leads to acts, but all are counted as actions.
Words are powerful and have an effect.
Ghaflah: Heedlessness of Allah & His Gift of Islam
“And surely, We have created many of the Jinns and Mankind for Hell. They have hearts wherewith they understand not, they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the truth). They are like cattle, nay even more astray; those! They are the heedless ones.”
Quran – 7:179
- Thought composes of two things, what you have in you mind and what in your heart.
- Clean heart leads to clean thoughts.
- When the hearts are hard, they don’t realize that they have the Quran.
- Allah told the people of Musa AS to hold on to their book.
- Hold on to Islam with great strength and mention what is in Quran, so you may attain Taqwa.
- Desire to be like their friends and look cool.
- Firstly, we got everything we need.
- Heedlessness conquering, your desires.
- You cannot show off with your saum.
- They say “Learn Quran.” What’s the benefit ?
- If you are doing something different from others, your reward will also be different.
- Be different, make people extra happy.
Allah blessed me
- We have to remember that we are powerless in front of Allah, otherwise we will become unjust.
- They are always aware of their environment.
- Many things that can make us animal-like or angellic.
- Are you animal-like or angellic.
- Be Angellic. Allah has given you everything to become a beautiful tree.
- Look around. Everyone is heedless.
- Everyone is living in autopilot mode.
- Not looking at ingredients.
- No one is doing anything about the situation.
- Make our Prophet SAW proud. Listen, be aware.
- Remember your death.
You have to protect your heart from heedlessness
- Dhikr
- If you truly love Allah, you will make sure you obey Allah.
- Then you will be protected.
Known as the sharīʿah (literally, “path leading to the watering place”), the law represents a divinely ordained path of conduct that guides Muslims toward a practical expression of religious conviction in this world and the goal of divine favour in the world to come.
Make fearless, courageous, positive decisions, don’t react with fear.
Live for purpose, not whims
Spiritual Growth: Yaqaba (Awakening), Tafakkur (Thinking), Basheera (Clear understanding), Firm Will
Allah has more mercy on you, than you on yourself. Allah is more aware of your needs than yourself. That Allah’s ability to fulfill your needs is greater than yourself.
Small talk conversation, with this person. The world is often not what you think it is, it is what you have told yourself it is.
Don’t assume anything about yourself, people and the world. Listen to the world. It will tell you the truth.
What is your life’s purpose, your ultimate intention ?
Obeying Allah is the most positive act one could do.
Obedience is Dawah.
Trevor Noah
Small Talk for shared realities.
Big talk, big ideas, divides people.
It’s crucial, if you don’t know if you on the same tribe.
Lifelong commitment to a purpose.
You can coexist with people you disagree.
Your friends you trust, you can have healthy fights.
There’s certain things you have to accept. Your house, your car, your lifestyle, your friends, your neighbors.
Everyone has edges. every group has edges.
Too much choice is overwhelming. Add some constraints.
Choose between two choices instead of many choices.
Ethical Fading: We are able to rationalize unethical behavior. CONTIBUTORS: Peer pressure – Everyone’s doing it. It’s what my boss wants. I gotta put food on the table. It’s what I need to do. Slippery slope – He did it, why can’t I do it.
Good people are able to rationalize away behavior outside of our ethical framework.
Issues are real, politics is an imagined way to solve the issue.
Al-Hadid 57:16 – Selective Islam
(57:16) Has the time not yet come for believers’ hearts to be humbled at the remembrance of Allah and what has been revealed of the truth, and not be like those given the Scripture before—˹those˺ who were spoiled for so long that their hearts became hardened. And many of them are ˹still˺ rebellious.
(57:17) Know well that Allah revives the earth after it becomes lifeless. We have clearly shown Our Signs to you, perchance you will use your reason.
3 things to ensure that your heart does not die
- Deeply connected to Allah. Enslave yourself to Allah only. The more you learn about Allah, the more it change you.
- Al-Akbar: Allah is the greatest – We’re not so great. Be humble.
- Al-Hamd: All praise belongs to Allah – You no longer seek praise and validation.
- Al-Aziz: Allah is the owner of all dignity and all authority – You should not look for respect from anywhere else.
- Al-Adl: Allah is the owner of all justice – You get scared of His justice.
- Ar-Rahman: Allah is merciful to me, but I am cold to someone else.
- Do the best you can within your close family
- Fix your relationship with Allah, and all your other relationships will be fixed up.
- Say good and beautiful things to people and about people
Referring to the Israelites in Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah stresses that like them, we are in real danger that our hearts will harden even though the Quran is in our hands and we recite it in prayer. In the same surah, Allah teaches us how to protect our hearts from this, first by maintaining a deep connection with our creator, which in turn will improve our relationships with close family; then by always speaking well of people, followed by establishing the prayer and finally giving zakat. Salat is the means by which our worship of Allah and goodness to others is reinforced. The consequences of a hardened heart are grave, leading to a strong warning from Allah in ayah 85 against those who believe in some parts of His book and choose to deny or ignore others, if it doesn’t serve their interests. The compensation for such extremists on both sides (those obsessed with the superficial aspects of religion or those who fail to observe even the most basic rites) is humiliation in this life and the worst of jahannam in the afterlife. Such behavior damages the Ummah at large because it makes Islam itself appear contradictory.
3 Types of Muslims
Muslims on the edge
Civilizational Muslims
Very large population of the Muslims.
Sometimes they have a
Highly influenced by the modern world.
My parents are Muslim.
We have Eid.
Relationship with Islam reduced to almost nothing.
Habits don’t correspond to Islam.
Religion is a personal thing.
Why are you Muslim ? Tableegh. Islam has to go to them.
If you invite them. No, thank you.
Allah entertains the Quraish with a story about horses in Surah al-Adiyaat, that has no Islamic significance.
Thereafter he educates them.
Present the message of Islam without presenting the message of Islam.
Muslims that are seeking
The language and culture that they’re used to, is almost like non-Islamic culture.
This is not their scene.
Awkward inside the masjid. They feel they don’t fit.
They end up online.
Extremism is good sales online.
There are many ideas online.
We have to give them real solutions, on the ground.
Environment for people to meet people. No wearing hijab are here. We don’t know where they are in their journey.
Make public engagement accessible.
Muslims with harsh views
They found someone online.
This is the right Islam.
This is the right way and everybody else is going to Jahannam.
They develop more problems with friends and family, because they see them as too extreme.
They believe that they understand the sunnah.
You can only have harsh views if you don’t have a deep understanding.
Islamophobia wins if we don’t make public engagement accessible
Create really interesting media.
The Mufti’s and Ulema must engage with Muslims and Non-Muslims.
Look at the different views, and come to a consensus.
If there is no consensus, then we should pretend that there is.
Respect other opinions.
Unity is loving each other, not about differences of fiqh opinion.
We must present a positive narrative of Islam: Enrichment, awareness, education
- Reach people on their frequency. What is it that interests them ?
- Make Tik-Tok, Instagram. Short, entertaining, enriching. Enrichment, no ilm and evidence.
- Education is the last step.