Ideology is a value system – priorities
- Keeping all regional players equally weak, to maintain hegemony.
- a forward military posture
- access to energy resources
- security for the state of Israel
ALLIES (Puppet Muslim States with no Independent Will)
They surrendered their political and economic independence to the US, in exchange for military and political protection.
- Saudi
- Allies in the fight against global Jihad
- One of Saudi Arabia’s conditions for normalizing relations with “Israel” was a defense treaty with the United States.
- Saudi Arabia faces difficulty in normalizing its relations with the Israeli entity due to the so-called “Arab street’s” continued opposition to such a step.
- Saudi Arabia financed the destruction of Syria and added fuel to the fire of the war that has been raging since 2011.
- Saudi are never to use oil production as a political weapon.
- Saudi bases used against Iraq.
- Israel
- Jordan
- Egypt
- Yemen
- Bahrain
- Pakistan bases were used against Afghanistan.
The future Islamic Bloc
- Sovereign / Worship / Obedience
- An Islamic State is a theocratic democracy meaning the leadership is representative, but the law is divine.
- Election System
- Islamic Consultative democracy
- Ideology / Value System
- The Social Systems of Islam benefitted us greatly before and will benefit us again. InshaAllah.
- The Islamic State does not intend to practice hegemony.
- Justice, Respect and Peace for all.
- Foreign Policy
- The peace treaty between Iran and Saudi Arabia exhibits China’s good intentions and has ended the regional proxy wars between them. This could lead a long-term political alliance.
- Same as the Asian Bloc
American support for Zionism
Aid to Israel is perhaps the most untouchable item in the congressional budget each year, surpassing even domestic entitlements. Beyond valuing Israel as a military and strategic ally, U.S. support for Tel Aviv has a political and emotional intensity. The breadth of that support, reaching far beyond the organized Jewish community in the U.S., is evident in the depth of U.S. press coverage of Israeli political life: elections, assassinations, negotiations, etc.
Israel’s privileged position means that U.S. electoral candidates vie over who is more pro-Israeli. One consequence is that serious criticism of Israel’s policies (as opposed to raising an occasional concern about a specific tactic), especially during an election year, is essentially taboo in U.S. political life.
- U.S.-negotiated regional pacts are largely influenced by Israeli concerns, which become “legitimate” negotiating positions in the eyes of the U.S.
- U.S. relations with Israel, more than with any other country (except perhaps Cuba), are highly influenced by domestic political considerations.
- The special nature of the U.S.-Israel alliance has resulted in special protection of and impunity for Israel in international arenas.
No country on earth maintains the kind of special relationship with the U.S. as does Israel. In virtually every arena, the U.S. uses its aid, weapons, and political clout to prop up the Israeli state. For Israel, a country burdened with high military expenditures and diplomatic isolation in most international arenas, U.S. support has proved critical.
Israel is an extension of American foreign policy in the Middle East
Israeli presence in the Middle East would reduce the cost of US presence in the region. The last of the “exceptional peoples” in the international system, believe that they are entitled to what no one else is entitled to, to ensure the survival of their racist regime. In light of the racist and superior nature of their regime, they are forced to show those whom they see and treat as sub-human who are the bosses here, otherwise, the social and political cohesion of the Israeli colonial entity will be in danger.
- Zionism is a religion
- Zionists had to convince the Jews of the beliefs.
- Jewish well known slogan: “We are only a people because of our faith.”
- Jews are not a nationality.
- Zionists changed Jewish identity, self-image into a nationalistic one.
- Until Zionism, nobody looked at Jews as a nationality.
- By changing the way they look at themselves. Change their ideology, behavior, personality, aspirations and values.
- Western Hypocrites
- Intention is very good, but the deeds are very evil.
- Jews and Palestinians were living happily and peacefully under the Arab’s for centuries, with no problems.
- The Jews don’t need Western protection. They only brought bloodshed into the holy lands.
- Messiah will bring spirituality and humanity, not death and destruction
- What you see today, last time was seen in Nazi Germany.
- You take someone’s house and then you have the right to defend yourself.
- A person moving away from humanity, is a person moving away from the religion.
- Messiah will bring people close to God spiritually. He will unite all religions.
- Solution
- A return to Judaism
- Two states will never succeed. Jews have to stay in exile until the coming of the messiah.
- Jews will be exiled, before the Messiah comes. It has been prophesized.
- It is up to us to help fulfil this prophecy.
- Help Jews by bringing a peaceful dismantlement of Israel.
Arab spring led to an endless transition
Democratization was ‘defensive’ and ‘managed.’ It was not meant to lead to democracy but rather to prevent its emergence. What resulted were autocracies always engaging in piecemeal reform but doing little to change the underlying power structure. Regime opponents found themselves ensnared in what political scientist Daniel Brumberg called an ‘endless transition.’
America’s unwillingness to align itself with democratic forces was not, it seemed, a matter of one president over another, but a structural problem inherent in U.S. foreign policy.
The Arab Spring – Libya
The protests in Libya began in February 2011 and the subsequent military operations came to an end in August 2011. The end result was that hegemonic oil interests were secured, any positive regime change against Western interests quelled and the formula of insurgency for regime-change or perpetual conflict finetuned.
The Arab Spring – Syria
While we fully support the right of the Syrian people to have their own representative government, the issue in Syria has gone beyond that. What is underway is no longer about the rights of the Syrian people.
At one stage there were over 40 different groupings in Syria. Al-Asad had been receiving very little assistance from Iran or Hezbollah with the exception of advisors, this being the price he paid for not following their wise and astute advice given with sincerity.
In August 2012 a report by Reuters confirmed what analysts had been speculating from the beginning, that the rebels in Syria were being supported by the hegemonic powers. The report stated “Obama’s order, approved earlier this year and known as an intelligence ‘finding,’ broadly permits the CIA and other US agencies to provide support that could help the rebels oust Asad.” The aim underpinning support for the rebels was evident from an interview conducted with a key FSA figure by the Israeli publication, Israel Hayom. The rebel identified only by an alias Kamal, stated, “Al-Asad’s fall will eliminate the link in the chain that ties Iran with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Not only would you be rid of an enemy, but you [Israel] would also weaken two others.”
In 2011, the opposition formally established its headquarters in Turkey as announced by Burhan Ghalioun. Chants began filling the streets of Syria, “No to Iran and no to Hezbollah, we want (Saudi) King Abdullah” accompanied by the burning of Hezbollah flags in cities like Tabaqah in Hamah. The article said “that a Syrian government run by the country’s main opposition group would cut Damascus’ military relationship to Iran and end arms supplies to Middle East militant groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas, the group’s leader said, raising the prospect of a dramatic realignment of powers at the region’s core.”
Enter Russia on September 30, 2015, and all this changed. Russia decided it was not going to allow another government to be overthrown through Western conspiracy.
As the proxy-war in Syria continued to evolve, it was evident that an “uprising” directly and openly supported by the US, Israel, the UAE and Saudi regimes could in no way be beneficial to Muslims and the wider region. Thus, Crescent’s overall assessment from early on about events in Syria was proved correct with time. The Syrian government was not sectarian, the “uprising” lacked Islamic credentials and it was launched to create a sectarian war among Muslims and break the alliance between Iran, Hizbullah, Hamas, and Syria in order to benefit Israel. This reality was summed up by Israel’s defence minister Moshe Yaalon in 2016 when he stated, “In Syria, if the choice is between Iran and the Islamic State, I choose the Islamic State.”
Iran, Russia, and Hizbullah joined the fight. All three knew that if Syria fell, their own nations would be next on the regime-changers’ agenda.
The picture that emerges is that neither the US nor Russia wants al-Asad to succeed completely. They both want fighting to continue to exhaust government forces to the point that the government would be forced to accept a ceasefire on the terms dictated by the two powers. Russia and the US have agreed on a new constitution for Syria that they want to put to a vote. The constitution calls for devolution of power, a pluralistic society and system and elections in 18 months.
Yegorov says their goals are different. He quotes Vladimir Akhmedov, a senior research associate at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Oriental Studies, “Russia’s interests consist in preserving a secular regime in Syria, which would continue cooperating with Moscow.” It is for the Syrian people to decide who should rule Syria. The Russians also accuse al-Asad of paying only lip service to a political settlement. Russia sees continuation of the war as risking bigger losses. “We cannot allow an escalation and the involvement of a large number of Russian servicemen in hostilities. Russia is seeking to move to a political settlement,” Yegorov quotes Akhmedov as saying. The third area of disagreement relates to the role of the Kurds. Damascus opposes any unilateral moves by the Kurds for autonomy, as they did in March 2016, when they announced the establishment of an autonomous Federation of Northern Syria.
The International Justice System
Both the UN and the ICJ has failed in their responsibility to enforce International Law upon Israel. Speaking at an emergency Security Council session requested by the UAE, the Brazilian minister argued that the body is not able to discharge its responsibility of safeguarding international peace and security due to old antagonisms – and this is “morally unacceptable”. “The Security Council holds meetings and hears speeches, without being able to take a fundamental decision: to end the human suffering on the ground,” he said.
The UN and ICJ has failed in it’s primary purpose of securing peace and justice. Below are list of United Nations failures:
- The decolonization efforts of the United Nations derive from the principle of “equal rights and self-determination of peoples” as stipulated in Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations, as well as from three specific chapters in the Charter which are devoted to the interests of dependent peoples.
- The Security Council secures the interests of the Security Council members, not the general assembly.
- United Nations, WTO, IMF and OIC are vassals of the Western VETO Powers.
- The VETO Powers regularly and openly violate Human Rights & International Law, terrorizing the world.
- Over the last century, America has carried out over 60 regime change operations with impunity.
- The United Nations Security Council does not represent the vast majority of human beings on earth.
- The United Nations should ensure responsible and just governance amongst it members.
- Under the current system, Universal Basic Human Rights can never be protected.
- There is a huge silence about the military presence that America maintains in the Middle East.
- Every human being should have representation in the international economic and justice system.
- Most of the refugee crises in the world were created by America.
- American Businessmen are getting rich off of War
- Imperialism necessitates Genocide. Genocide necessitates Racism.
- Zionism is Racism
The two-state Solution
- The two-state solution proposed by Saudi Arabia, despite its meager demands, and even though it is giving up most of historical Palestine, is rejected by the Israeli entity in all its sects, right, and left, above and below.
Unilateral Recognition
To be pursued.
- Iran wants a cold war
- Iran wants no war and no peace
- Iran want to establish deterrence, without any escalations into war.
- Just to demonstrate their ability to hurt their enemies, without doing so.
- Terms used: Strategic Patience, Heroic Flexibility
- A cold war is a state of conflict between nations that does not involve direct military action but is pursued primarily through economic and political actions, propaganda, acts of espionage or proxy wars waged by surrogates.
- Strategic interests (power) take preference
- Strong regional Allies
- No enemy forces in the region
- Hamas and Islamic Jihad
- Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad publicly thanked Islamic Iran for giving them real (material) help on the ground
- Syria
- Syria has been an important pillar of the resistance front.
- There is a 40-year long relationship; Syria is the biggest importer of Russian arms in the region and there is a Russian naval base at Tartus.
- Iraq
- Unlike Libya however, Syria is of great interest to Russia. The Saudis have also chafed at the fact that Iraq, far from falling under the US umbrella despite being liberated from the clutches of Saddam Husain has become an ally of Iran.
- Houthi’s
Iran’s Population Replacement Program
Iran, just as with Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union before it, uses panic and devastation in neighboring states to adjust regional ethnic and religious composition, employing coercive methods to drive Sunnis from their homes and to resettle the areas with Shia. Iran has also used demography as foreign policy. In recent years, wars have overwhelmed societies in Iraq and Syria and have dispersed besieged populations throughout the Middle East. Some families have taken refuge abroad in Europe or the United States. Iran, meanwhile, has resettled Shia populations in the region, where Shia clerics cultivate ties with the locals. By late 2017, Iran was consolidating its presence throughout Syria by settling militiamen and their families there. Schools teach the Persian language, and Iran subsidizes the tuition and food costs of many students between the ages of 8 and 15, each of whom receives a $20 monthly stipend for attending. The demographic lift in the Shia population throughout that Middle East boosts Iran’s long-term influence there.
Turning people’s political solidarity into religious affiliation
The Brotherhood’s position, Nada wrote, is that Twelver Shiism is recognized as the fifth school of Islamic jurisprudence. Twelver Shiism differs from the four Sunni schools not in matters of faith, which are fundamental to Islam and required of all true believers, but in matters of jurisprudence. The aim of this Shiite proselytizing is to turn the people’s political solidarity with Iran into a deeper loyalty and religious affiliation. This is what prompted Shaykh Qaradawi to launch his attacks on the Shia. “We,” Ghuzlan wrote, “agree with the essence of Qaradawi’s critique of the Shia. The Brotherhood prefers not to enter into religious polemics in order to preserve the unity of the Muslim Nation, but Iran should respect that approach too and not take advantage of it by acting to spread Shiism.”
Iran’s support for armed resistance movements
Iran’s theocratic leadership has cast its foreign policy in the context of a holy war. It provides Hezbollah with subsidies totaling $700 million a year, offers Palestinian terrorist groups another $100 million, and gives as much as $300 million more to additional terrorist groups. The Arabs who criticize Iran, and who ignite controversy and conflict between Sunni and Shia, do so in order to divert attention from their own political failures and incapacity to stage an Islamist struggle. Had the Arabs supported the Islamic resistance in Iraq, Iran would not have intervened there; had they formed a strong Sunni Islamist resistance in Lebanon, Hezbollah would not have been the only armed resistance there; and had they embraced Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Iran would have had no foothold in Gaza and the West Bank.
The Iranian Religious Democracy Model
Democracy has served different ideologies like socialism or liberalism, so it could be a functional frame for accepted rules and traditions of the nation it serves. What sets differences among democracies is the cultural background where democracy is founded. Since liberal democracy is framed by liberal values. And any action challenging these values is not acceptable, then religious democracy will be framed by religion and the governing values would define differences among these two democracies. Hence religious democracy, due to its roots in religious traditions, could be the proper model for establishing popular, effective and modern governments in religious nations. So Muslims also could use democracy to govern their people and even Islamic democracy could prove superior to other forms and remove their shortages, due to its human nature.
Religious democracy has the following characteristics:
- Public acceptance of founding the religious political system
- In the aftermath of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Khomeini insisted on holding a referendum on the foundation of the Islamic Republic. The Iranian public decided with a 98% majority for the religious political system.
- Public acceptance of Constitution based on observing Islamic rules
- Imam Khomeini ordered fast ratification by public representatives and then the Constitution was ratified by the majority of Iranians in a direct referendum. The Constitution insisted on Islamic rules in governing the nation with dependence on public voice.
- Emphasis on equal and free political participation
- As per the right for equal and free political participation provided in the Constitution, women and religious minorities have an equal and even outstanding position in this system. Minorities have more representatives compared with their small population. Women have important and equal role in legislation and despite some traditional problems, statistics show a growth in political and social participation of women in post-revolution Iran where some jurisprudential rules have paved the way. Meanwhile, Iran has gained an outstanding position among many countries for over 30 elections for president, parliament and members of the Experts Council of Leadership as well as local elections, over the past 36 years.
- Supervisory Mechanisms
- Supervision over power is among the main characteristics in this democracy which enjoys internal mechanisms like virtue of authorities beside powerful external mechanisms like supervisory organizations, press, political parties, and civil institutions which have grown after the Islamic Revolution as different channels and freely criticize the government.
- Relation between Religious Law and voice of majority
- Since ruling is only for God, the question is how to avoid contradiction with the principle of legislation by public representatives? The answer in Iran’s Islamic Republic is that regulations approved by representatives are further discussed by Jurisprudents in the Guardian Council for any inconsistency with Islamic rules. Thus in fields with no clear religious rule, including a vast part of issues, the voice of majority and reasoning by experts plays an important role and additionally the Shiite jurisprudential rules which are based on rational reasoning (ijtihad), primary and secondary rules, time and location can reason new rules with high flexibilities. All mentioned factors provide the Islamic democracy with great power to come over modern issues.He divided the Islamic commandments or Qur’an into three branches:
1– The primary commandments
2– The secondary commandments
3– The state commandments – All commandments which relate to public affairs, such as constitutions, social security, insurance, bank, labour law, taxation, elections, congress etc.
- Since ruling is only for God, the question is how to avoid contradiction with the principle of legislation by public representatives? The answer in Iran’s Islamic Republic is that regulations approved by representatives are further discussed by Jurisprudents in the Guardian Council for any inconsistency with Islamic rules. Thus in fields with no clear religious rule, including a vast part of issues, the voice of majority and reasoning by experts plays an important role and additionally the Shiite jurisprudential rules which are based on rational reasoning (ijtihad), primary and secondary rules, time and location can reason new rules with high flexibilities. All mentioned factors provide the Islamic democracy with great power to come over modern issues.He divided the Islamic commandments or Qur’an into three branches:
The Iranian religious democracy, in general, is based on an instrumental and methodological view towards democracy. The main claim in religious democracy is to establish a government based on majority religious values because it believes that democracy is stable only when reaches out of political borders to become an inner part of individual and social life. This would happen in Islamic societies only when democracy is rooted in Islamic traditions and customs.
The Eastern Bloc (BRICS)
- Legal Sovereign
- China – Buddhism
- Russia – Catholicism
- Political System
- Socialist Democracy
- Foreign Policy Strategy
- Development should be at the center of the international agenda, with “win-win outcomes”.
- China is a natural member of the Global South, firm in upholding their legitimate rights and interests.
- Determined to stop the advancement of Western-style democracy, using democratic slogans to destabilize sovereign states and advance American geopolitical interests.
- Establishing systems and multi-lateral institutions of public benefit.
- Working for a truly stable international order
- “China is firm in supporting the international system with the UN at its core,” and opposes hegemony, power politics, unilateralism, and a Cold War mentality.
- A small number of countries have arbitrarily imposed illegal and unilateral sanctions severely undermining the harmony and stability of international relations. Mr. Han encouraged the international community to jointly resist such acts.
- China is opposed to the use of human rights and democracy as a political tool to interfere in other countries.
The Western Bloc (NATO)
- Political System
- Capitalist Secular Democracy
- Legal Sovereign
- Materialism: In a society in which materialism is given the highest value, all human values are sacrificed at it’s altar.
- Wrong belief, such as atheism, polytheism, because it has ignored the laws of God, rather it makes man into lords.
- Wrong worldview on man, on society, on life and on nature.
- Wrong perception of the relationship between man and woman.
- Capitalism creates a society of producers and consumers.
- Foreign Policy Strategy
- Destabilization
- Division – Playing opponents against each other.
- Anarchy – Replace leaders with policemen – America attempted over 72 regime change operations in a 20 year period.
- Destruction – If they can’t remove the leader, they take away his capacity to wage war.
- Oppression
- The two-state solution proposed by Saudi Arabia, despite its meager demands, and even though it is giving up most of historical Palestine, is rejected by the Israeli entity in all its sects, right, and left, above and below.
- It is not unique to the Nazi’s or to Israel, oppression is a building block of Western Imperialism.
- A forward military posture using Israel and regional military bases.
- Exploitation
- Extract cheap natural resources
- Weaken the currency for imports
- Access to markets for exports
- Give large unpayable loans
- War (When the oppressed are resisting)
- Genocide is the foundation of Western Domination
- They drop all pretense of the Western so-called civilizing mission
- They drop all pretense of our moral superiority
- They become the most ruthless and efficient killers on the planet.
- They become the beast, they accuse the oppressed of being.
- The humanitarians insist we bomb other nations, because we embody goodness.
- They promote military intervention, only when it is perceived to be in their national interest.
- Stabilization
- Imposing autocratic leaders
- Democratic competition between corrupt parties.
- Strong lobbies
- Destabilization
- Political System
Protestant detachment of religion from leadership and law
The ‘threat’ of Islam according to the Secular Liberal worldview, was not that it would convert the world by force, but that it was a competitor to Liberalism, in offering the world a way of life. Islam was simply judged to be an obstacle and rival to the new Liberal world order – a world order mandated by the Liberal claim to its own universality. In response, Islam would be have to be defeated, but not by directly destroying the books from where it came, since that was impossible. Rather, Liberalism would using intellectual, cultural and military assault, create a change of political system in Muslim lands, and render Islam obsolete from political life. As Alex de Tocqueville posited, a detachment of Islam from political life would whither it, and cause it to die. Early Liberal thinkers didn’t have a problem with Islam existing in a limited ‘defeated’ form as merely a spiritual belief – because most Liberals were Protestant Christians, and believed that what they had done to Christianity, and Catholics, could be repeated with the theology of Islam.
Subverting Truth for propaganda, racism & fear mongering
- Constant fear-mongering
- Fosters the myth of a clash of civilizations: Democracy, Decency and Honor vs Islamic Terrorism, Barbarism and Medievalism
- Israel is an outpost of Western Civilization in a sea of barbarism.
- Not interested in the truth
- Israel supporters do not want to know the truth.
- Truth would force them to examine their materialism, racism, self-delusion and complicity in oppression, murder and genocide.
- Israel is sustained by lies
- That Israel supports an independent Palestinian state.
- That Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.
- That Israel respects the rule of law and human rights.
Subverting Economies for neo-colonialism
The militarily powerful states have many tools at their disposal to coerce weaker states into complying with their rapacious demands. They use IMF loans to secure economic policies in their favor. The UN estimates that some $2 trillion are transferred annually from the “Third World” to the West through unfair trade practices and interest on loans. Whenever a leader in a “Third-World” country attempts to implement policies to benefit his people, he is overthrown in a military coup and often assassinated. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria offer ready examples. Millions have been killed and tens of millions turned into refugees. After suffering decades of colonialism, most of these states do not have stable institutions and are easily manipulated.
Subverting International Law for Unilateral Interests
Both the UN and the ICJ has failed in their responsibility to enforce International Law upon Israel. Speaking at an emergency Security Council session requested by the UAE, the Brazilian minister argued that the body is not able to discharge its responsibility of safeguarding international peace and security due to old antagonisms – and this is “morally unacceptable”. “The Security Council holds meetings and hears speeches, without being able to take a fundamental decision: to end the human suffering on the ground,” he said.
Subverting Autocratic & Democratic regimes for Compliant regimes
The Arab Spring Democratization was ‘defensive’ and ‘managed.’ It was not meant to lead to democracy but rather to prevent its emergence. What resulted were autocracies always engaging in piecemeal reform but doing little to change the underlying power structure. Regime opponents found themselves ensnared in what political scientist Daniel Brumberg called an ‘endless transition.’ America’s unwillingness to align itself with democratic forces was not, it seemed, a matter of one president over another, but a structural problem inherent in U.S. foreign policy. It does not matter which side of the political spectrum the leadership is on, as long as it submits to the American Hegemonic Agenda.
Subverting Muslim Nations for Normalization with Apartheid
Israel and UAE agree to normalise diplomatic relations The spokesman for Iran’s Guardian Council, Abbas Ali Kadkhodaee, tweeted the move meant Israel was “occupying the UAE”. In an editorial published on Friday, Iran’s state news agency IRNA dismissed the agreement as neither strategic nor historic – simply a manoeuvre by Trump to boost his re-election hopes. “This measure by Trump’s team is neither a step to solve regional problems and support the UAE, nor does it help Palestinians or Netanyahu,” it said.
Subverting religions by detaching them from politics and law
The ‘threat’ of Islam according to the Secular Liberal worldview, was not that it would convert the world by force, but that it was a competitor to Liberalism, in offering the world a way of life. Islam was simply judged to be an obstacle and rival to the new Liberal world order – a world order mandated by the Liberal claim to its own universality. In response, Islam would be have to be defeated, but not by directly destroying the books from where it came, since that was impossible. Rather, Liberalism would using intellectual, cultural and military assault, create a change of political system in Muslim lands, and render Islam obsolete from political life. As Alex de Tocqueville posited, a detachment of Islam from political life would whither it, and cause it to die. Early Liberal thinkers didn’t have a problem with Islam existing in a limited ‘defeated’ form as merely a spiritual belief – because most Liberals were Protestant Christians, and believed that what they had done to Christianity, and Catholics, could be repeated with the theology of Islam.
The sunnah method to remove oneself from oppression: Forming an Islamic Bloc
When our Prophet Muhammed (SAW) was being persecuted in Makkah, he approached many of the tribes which came to Makkah, in order to gain their support. After identifying the tribes he trusted, he united them and formed an alliance with them. They were thereafter known as the Ansar (Helpers) of Medina. Together they liberated Makkah from the contradictions and oppression of man-made systems, and replaced them with the justice and peace of divinely guided systems.
The group that will appoint the Caliph on behalf of the ummah (Ahlu al-Hall wal-‘Aqd)
A decision-making Muslim committee qualified to elect or depose a caliph on behalf of the Muslim community, which statespersons, scholars, leaders, politicians, and prominent figures. Members must meet three qualification requirements, as stated in al-Ahkam as-Sultaniyyah by Al-Mawardi:
- Integrity of which all requirements are met.
- The knowledge needed to make right decisions as to who should be the Muslim ruler according to the requirements needed for such a position.
- Reasoning and discretion that enable them to choose the right person who qualifies for ruling the Muslims and taking care of their interests.
Al-Mawardi said in emergencies when there is no caliphate and no majlis:
- the people should create a majlis from anyone amongst themselves
- select a list of candidates for caliph
- the majlis should select from the list of candidates.
We plan to form a decision-making Muslim committee qualified to elect or depose a caliph on behalf of the Muslim community. A unifying Shura Council which could plot a path towards an Islamic Alliance in order to collectively affirm our international Islamic identity and values, and also to negotiate just agreements and treaties with the international community.
Justice Council would like offer a formal invitation to the Foreign Minister to offer his ideas and advice at our next Shura Council meeting.
JazakAllah Kharain