O you who have believed, obey Allāh and obey the Messenger and those in authority…
7 Economic Decolonization: Anti-Sanctions League
Subverting Economies: The weakness of the Global South has nothing to do with market forces…
8 Territorial Decolonization: Territorial Unification
ONE CHINA POLICY Reunification territorial integrity Taiwan Japanese to pledge loyalty to One China
1 Resolving the conflict between reason and tradition
Reconciling Divine-Will / Destiny (Qadr) and Human Free-Will “The Lord has created and balanced all…
1 Islamic Jurisprudence Comparison
The concept of centrism is both generic and specific. The generic aspect is understood to…
The Medina charter: A Blueprint for Islamic Pluralism
The Christian Bible The Bible says that Prophet Lut AS had incest with his daughter….
The European tradition of crucifying the innocent
The role of the good and righteous is to suffer and be slaughtered. They will…
9 South African Politics
Second speaker 1. ANC is neo-liberalism light, as seen in their policies. 2. DA is…
The Western Myth of Redemptive Evil
Plutocracy in disguise Democracy is under siege. America needs democracy. Catch people interest,…
6 The Future – Prophecy, Prediction & Anticipation
Anticipation is close to the outcome. Predictions are inaccurate. Prediction is long-term, with elements of…