Anticipation is close to the outcome.
Predictions are inaccurate. Prediction is long-term, with elements of time.
The english dictionary makes Prophet’s synonymous with predictors.
Fortune tellers don’t prophesy, they predict based on existing information.
Prophetic knowledge is from divine revelation, not from calculation.
The Prophet was not only delivering information. He was also delivering an understanding of the information. He was delivering knowledge.
Human beings collect data from events of the past in order to identify trends and patterns, in order to anticipate a field of possible outcomes.
Prediction must happen, or it is false.
Anticipation does not have to happen, possible not to happen.
The closer you are to the outcome, the more accurate your anticipation will be.
The further away you are to the outcome, the less accurate your anticipation will be.
The further away the outcome, the more variables, conditions, probabilities and unknowns.
Using known elements to understand the unknown elements.
Whether the known elements are based on facts or hypotheticals.
The act of anticipating is itself purely speculative and subjective (i.e. subject to change).
And Allah knows best.
Don’t pursue that which you have no knowledge of.
The Shariah includes how we pray , how we do financial transactions, how we get married; it includes what we eat, how we dress, economic law. It is a vast legal system made up of many parts and principles, with vast scholarship and school of thought.