- Cry to Allah, then face the world without fear.
- Distance yourself from what harms you.
- Select beneficial information from your environment and reject the rest.
- The farther you are from Allah, the more you’ll be punished by people.
- Be resolute in your affairs and prioritize what’s important. Being scattered in your goals is destructive!
- The calmer you are, the clearer you think. Control your emotions, learn to react less. Move with strategy, not with emotions.
- Stay disciplined. There’s no easy way. Be uncomfortable for a year or two to be comfortable for the rest of the years to come.
- Accustom yourself to praying to Allah in every matter, no matter how small. Even if you can accomplish it without difficulty, pray to Allah.
Instead of being impressed by superficial things such as wealth, social media followers, degrees, or titles, it is more meaningful to value qualities such as kindness, integrity, humility, and generosity.
One of the biggest struggles in life is maintaining your individuality and authenticity in a society that often pressures people to conform and be like everyone else.
Staying true to yourself is a challenge, but it’s what makes you unique and powerful. Conformity might be easier, but authenticity brings fulfillment.
“The gap between where you are and where you want to be is called effort.”
Action breeds more clarity than thought; you can’t think your way into a new life—you have to act your way into one.
Persist in pursuing your desires despite adversity, for the pain of waiting, though challenging, is outweighed by the remorse of inaction; thus, embrace trials with resilience, knowing eventual fulfillment warrants perseverance.
We often fail to recognize the value of people and things until they’re no longer present. Therefore, it’s important to appreciate those you have in your life now, before it’s too late.
If you are grateful, Allah will give you more.
Gratefulness leads to resourcefulness.
Being positive
Focus on the positives, grows it.
Focussing on the negatives goes nowhere.
Hate always comes from a position of lack and insecurity.
Where an individual projects their own deficiencies onto others instead of confronting them within themselves.
When you focus on someone else’s flaws or successes, you’re directing energy away from your own growth.
Instead of obsessing over others, you focus on becoming the best version of yourself.
“If We had willed, We would have elevated him with Our signs, but he clung to this life—following his evil desires. His example is that of a dog: if you chase it away, it pants, and if you leave it, it ˹still˺ pants. This is the example of the people who deny Our signs. So narrate ˹to them˺ stories ˹of the past˺, so perhaps they will reflect.”
Quran 7:176
His goals were lowly:
- He only want immediate pleasure.
- Investments, Money.
- Example of a dog.